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Everything posted by Gooner

  1. Yes voted this morning, wife voted this afternoon and the guy on carrying out the exit poll said only 145 people had voted! It will either be a mass rush later of a very disappointing turn out.
  2. Very interesting, thanks for the insight.
  3. Gooner


    Seen plenty around near me
  4. Good shooting mate, nuff said
  5. Nice one mate, how heavy was that one?
  6. Good photo's just wondering how many do you keep in each hutch? Cheers mate
  7. Mine has a small lump on his rear leg muscle, vet said it was a cyst, still there now and that was three years ago
  8. About time to, complete waste of Police resource and money.
  9. It states that they are both BITCHES mate
  10. I saw on another web site that you shouldn't feed rabbits with their skin on I thought this strange no explaination given and nobody else asked. I thought but i am not experienced that you should remove the guts and then feed whole Interested to know the views of the more experienced, thanks
  11. Cost around £25 -£30.00 Some of the timber i already had.
  12. Thanks for the comments. Stubby not sure what the mesh is on the bottom came via a third party, i can run my hands around it without getting cut and where i have cut it I have used a file to remove the burrs.
  13. Well finished it yesterday, i think it will be okay, i have a few questions though:- 1 - Will they be ok out in the winter months? 2 - How many should i have in each part? I was thinking of getting two jills & one hob 3 - Can they all stay together until the Jills come into season? As you can guess i have not kept Ferrets before, always went out with mates, i have read a few books recently so hopefully all will go well thanks
  14. Hi and welcome mate, pup looks fine, plenty of interesting tips on here.
  15. Nice one SS nice to see some people with morals
  16. Nice one mate, got a couple coming myself in 3 weeks, seems ages.
  17. Nice one mate, now is the time to get plenty of grub in for them
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