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Everything posted by Gooner

  1. Well picked up a new kit on Thursday from a member on here and he is settling in well. A few photos from the weekend whilst on exercise. Not to be outdone one of the older kit shows how to have a mud bath!
  2. Picked up 2 kits yesterday, well looked after and healthy. Cheers mate
  3. Now that i am getting the team in place i realise i need to get a locator, quetions are: 1 - Do i buy new or second hand? 2 - If second hand MK1 or MK3? 3 - One or two collars? Any advice welcome thanks
  4. Hi mate try doing a search in this section, loads of good articles there.
  5. Thanks all for the replies, i will go for wooden and give this to a youngster who is starting out fishing.
  6. Well now i have my two kits, been thinking about what type of box to use. Looking through the shed i came across one of the kids old fishing boxes Do you think this would be okay? I would drill ventilation holes around top, but thought its waterproof, light weight and could act as a seat. Any thoughts more than welcome
  7. Well worth £5 in my opinion
  8. Partridge,Boar and Phesant for me, although i cant say that there is none i really dislike.
  9. A couple of mine during training. Water retrieve
  10. Hi and welcome to THL.
  11. Looked like a good day, nice looking dogs credit to you.
  12. Thank for the smart A**E comments. I was looking for the article in the News letter!!!! Still dont bother
  13. What page is this on I can't find it? Thanks
  14. Not sure if this has been covered before (should use search facility) what do you use for pegging out your Purse nets? If you make ss it best to use round or flat? Do you use what nature can supply, hasel etc? Tent pegs? I would be interested to know what is the most popular. Thanks
  15. Try doing a search lots of good advice on here. I would concrete the floor as you may find they will dig under the gravel, if it is not laid on concrete.Good luck mate.
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