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Everything posted by squint

  1. and the thing is ,you ain't going down for a while either but i did find a crossbow was a good alternative only classed as an offencive weapon
  2. Pisser for you mate,but all is not lost. Get one of these Matty,there's nowt wrong with my legs i want one
  3. Try and borrow first mate,you'll soon get bored of it....trust me
  4. Did'nt know Frank Skinner was a hunting man
  5. This is my doorbell
  6. This is true Sean,licencing is preferable to banning...but we all know even this doesn't work,plenty of unlicenced car drivers,firearms,televisions etc....all it does is makes it easier for the authorities to start somewere when they start banning things (after Dunblaine,it was all the legitimate gun owners who had to hand in the firearms,the ones all licenced...who payed to be members of gun clubs)or want to snoop... Try buying a TV out of any shop,they ask for your name and address so they can inform the TV licencing people... Which country in the world has the most CCTV cameras.....the UK
  7. Sorry to pour piss on all your fires,but no matter how many petitions you get or whatever form of action you take it won't matter(take a look at the hunting bill,how many petitioned marched etc that cause...still went through)...They've got there minds made up about air weapons,as far as controling air weapons goes,thats bollocks.....the only people it affects are the law abiding ones not the criminal fraternity...as usual Go to any city in the UK and you can buy a real gun quite easily if you know were to look,even an average Joe could get one if he was determined....so much for the ban of h
  8. Jesus that was quick,,ta think i'll google that thanks again
  9. Caught this is my crayfish trap anyone know what it is,never seen one before? sorry for the crappy pic Cheers
  10. Try leaving her on the lead and walking upto people and introduce her to everyone until she realises that not everyone is a threat.You need something to distract her attention when she gets excited(you may think is dog whisperer crap but it works)mine is a click of the fingers(worked with all my dogs)just a case of seeing what works for you... I personally wouldn't let her off the lead if there's people about(i know it's hard not too) I also find with keeping them on the lead they start to watch and eventually follow what the other dogs are doing like behaving etc..give it a few days on the l
  11. What you got for a bad back, can you send me some of your [magic-beans] All out of beans Bird,can get you some magic love eggs off my special chickens they won't cure your bad back,but they'll take your mind off it
  12. didn't the ratcatcher in phil drabble's(i think) book(can't remember which one) used to put tights over the holes when he was ratting... as long as it gets results and keeps your permission safe,who cares, and i bet you've put an idea into a few peoples heads you could have sold them live in the old'un days for the ratting pits
  13. What % (alcohol)would your average elderflower champagne be knocking out? cheers
  14. I'd hate to be you Chester,living in a gorgeous place like that Swap you for my inner city good partridge shot........
  15. My own opinion mate,papers mean fook all,unless your only in it for the £££££££££'s.... Your dogs your dog and if your happy with him all the paper in the worlds not going to change things, Just put it down to experience and don't be so trusting in future,but us scammers will charm your socks off.... i should know i'm Nigerian And if anyone wants to help recover my 29 million dollars i have in an account in Nigeria,please feel free to get in touch with your bank account details so i can transfer the money to your account... or i've got some magic beans i'll swap for a beddy c
  16. anything with it mate?
  17. My mrs is 40 and i can't still make out what she's going on about
  18. A man trap is anything with lady bits Kay
  19. it was a mere £20 to turn it down with cronos i dont think its fleeceing. fitted my new scopes mounts, and give me the old ones back. i also spoke about purchaseing new seals springs etc and having them fitted the fella said dont bother you dont need them. so not the actions of a ripoff in my mind.also threw in a free bottle of this blueing gell ive never used before. ok he should have had this chrono thing in order first time round otherwise i felt i got great service. £20 for peace of mindChip
  20. Hyperion,just ask your Dad does his arguement only include animals,as i'm quite sure like everyone else's Dad,they made you do things you didn't want to
  21. how much did he charge to sort the gun out mate,and did you get your old sights back or did he get rid of them for you? just curious about how much he charged,cheers
  22. 2nd shot a good'un,they don't come much cleaner shots than that
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