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Everything posted by squint

  1. £20 is my offer,please feel free to put a price of near what your looking for it Not unless £20 is ok.. cheers
  2. Top man,very inspirational to the kids but i'd be smiling if my balls were tickling the floor all day
  3. squint

    booz run

    Show off,next you'll be eating with a knife and fork
  4. Ducked & dived in the past with allsorts. Like everyting it all ends,trading standards don't help Good boy now.Couldn't get any straighter Like said previous,Ebay killed it along with everyone wanting owt for nowt and ebay & paypal(bigger crooks than MP's) taking there slice. But there's always a ££££ to be earned
  5. bet the grass wouldn't have done fook all if it would have been a kid getting hit!
  6. Did a ouija board once and got in contact with Liberace & Freddie Mercury But had to stop as they put the willies up me
  7. Ray Winston Kathy Burke Linda Florentino Alan carr Jay & silent Bob
  8. The iceman-confessions of a mafia hitman Good read, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ice-Man-Confessions-Contract-Killer/dp/1845962125 links for the documentary below,good watch total nutjob. Not as bad as some of the loons on here,but he is a yank. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5740692213665972395#
  9. Cheers Rob for the report... Christmas is coming,so i'll be leaving loads on watching on ebay
  10. Thinking of buying one of these,all the info is greatly appreciated... Just waiting for Rob's findings
  11. Don't know whether it's the english man in me,but i just love it when the alleged underdog wins.. Ohh and i f*****g HATE bullies... Some great posts
  12. Shame he didn't get the other one too,f*****g shitbag leaving his mate to die.. Just shows you what real wankers they are,but then again isn't that the way it's going now days the all have to go in team handed and then declare themselves hardmen As far as the dickhead relatives putting flowers there,just goes to show you there mentality Well one less wanker,so can't all be bad.. And everyman should be able to defend his home,by any means necessary Like it's been said"if he wasn't there,he wouldn't have been killed Rant over Tango down
  13. I've been praising Fury for the last couple of years,watched a good few of his fights and have seen him get better with each fight. Talks some rubbish sometimes(but don't we all...the majority of THL users excluded) But he seems to have the heart and the balls to back them up, Just great to see a WHITE english lad doing well,but then again it's ok to knock because he is white.. He knows in his own mind he has loads to learn and i don't think that if he got K.O'ed. it would put him off.
  14. Fooks sake,all the good work Paddy did on BB has all gone down the swanny.... Now who's going to believe travellers are not out for just themselves!!!!!! Bring back the birch I say. Only cos i've got a birch wood that needs thinning.
  15. I've been saying this for years,doesn't matter who pissed you off,just don't give them your business.. Poles are just as bad for a haggle...but there white so it's ok
  16. Anything by Ronnie Corbett, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ice-Man-Confessions-Contract-Killer/dp/1845962125/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313969013&sr=8-1 get yourself a copy of this if you like a bit of serial killers Or the sicilian by mario puzo.much better than the film..
  17. What a pathetic statement mate,suppose you loved the riots aswell. Obviously your still a kid and don't have to pay insurance yet,ask your mum or dad about it.Maybe you'll learn a thing or two...
  18. Think it's a cross between a bulldog & shitsu.... Fill in the blanks
  19. Yeh,i can imagine it now all mullets and flares flapping in the wind
  20. A bit more of this is needed,and before all the bleeding hearts start bleating on about him not doing anything Why was he there?
  21. That was my first road bike an AP50 56mph on the flat,standard bike.... even remember the reg number and it was over 30 yrs ago Cheers jasper for the flash from the past..
  22. watch this,she speak the truth.. http://www.twitvid.com/4JTZH
  23. Going off big time in Manchester,next door has tipped over her wheelie bin whilst taking it out No way for a 68 yr old to be acting
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