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About gspdad

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 14/07/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Lanarkshire
  • Interests
    Falconry, Horse riding, putting food in one end and shovelling lots of S**t from the other! That's all we seem to do!!!!
  1. We've got 2 cats aswell as a load of other animals and all the bop's. Never had a problem! there's a mutual respect between them!!! There both good hunters, one's a Maine Coon and takes bunnies easily and is quite happy with us currently imprinting an owl in the living room at the moment with him Atb George.
  2. I have to agree about the good Falconry stall, it was me was a bit too spread out and we ended up in not the best position but did ok! Thanks to all who visited. Atb George.
  3. Since your in Scotland US!! http://www.falconryshopscotland.com/ Atb George.
  4. High Gem,

    We were the ones selling the equipment|

    Atb George.

  5. think i met you at ballinlough castle???

    were you the falconry display or the lads selling falconry gear next to it?

    atb, gem

  6. Weather looking better for the weekend Was supposed to be heavy rain forecast said at beginning of the week but now improving nicely!!!!! Looking forward to a good Fair. Atb George. www.rhuallanraptors.com
  7. We'll be retailing our equipment, I believe it's frontline falconry doing the displays this year. Atb George
  8. Who's all going to the Galloway Fair on the 21/22nd Aug? We'll be at the Falconry area retailing our gear so come and say hello Atb George. www.rhuallanraptors.com
  9. gspdad


    No Iicence is requied for a BOP, some schedule 4 birds will still be registered with the Blue document and need a Article 10 and some with just Article 10's, the two birds you mentioned won't need either....... Its about time the UK adopted for a system simular to the Americans apprentiship scheme........ Here here but how can it be started with all these dick heads that have them and fly them down the park to look hard? i hope it comes soon i realy do mate Atb best Matt
  10. 31st July and 1st Aug. We'll have our stand there again this year for all your Falconry needs Atb George.
  11. We'll be there all weekend! Lesley's covering the stand Friday and i'll be doing Saturday and Sunday. We'll be doing the Gamehawker stand as well as our own at the Falconry village. Atb George.
  12. I use Peter Donald Guns near Biggar. Cheers George. www.rhuallanraptors.com
  13. Both Fairs were great and we'll be attending next year again with our Falconry equipment stand Cheers George. www.rhuallanraptors.com
  14. It's on the 31stJuly/1st August 2010. ATB George
  15. I've had 3 diesels when working for my last company and the only good thing I could say about them is the fuel consumption! Other than that total S**T. 1st one had to be recovered after 3 days!!!!! I've towed many things with other vehicles no probs but if you want to tow anything above about 500kgs forget it, you end up having to change the clutch cylinders. All three were that bad I had Land Rover assistance on speed dial ATB George
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