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Everything posted by PETEWINN

  1. I sold 30 for £18-50 inclusive of poatage around 12 months ago on EBay so personally I would think £20 is nearer the mark than £30.


    Worth a look at http://www.poboysoutdoors.com/
  3. Rabbits normally keep for 3 or 4 days when its cold, but at the moment they are going iffy after only 24 hours. If your butcher is close I would take them to him after each day out.
  4. Better quality filming and far more informative.
  5. Plenty of requests where to buy the thing, but noone answering. Come on lads some of you have got it from somewhere so must know. in advance
  6. It will be the collar that is different, it needs to output a stronger field. There will just be a different label on the locator. A bit like the Mark 1 ferret finder boxes being either 8 or 15 feet.
  7. what is the difference between mk2 and mk3? Am just starting ferreting and am not sure whic one to buy? Any suggestions? Mk2 is obsolete and the collar batteries only last 30 hours. Make sure you get the latest Mk3 with pin point device. Collar batteries last 300 hours.
  8. If they are that scared of ferrets what will they do if they get a few mink.
  9. Complete waste of money even at £3 for an illegal backup copy.
  10. Enjoyed both 1 and 2 myself. Well worth the money.
  11. Didn't think much to The Rabbit Man part 1 or 2 myself. Would only give them about 4 out of 10. The 3 DVDs done by The Ferret Man (Simon Whitehead) are far superior.
  12. I agree, its a good read. There are a few nice yarns in here, which as the saying goes have improved with time.
  13. All depends how much digging you want to do. A large hob will easily pin a rabbit and give it very little chance to bolt. Hobs in general tend to work better than jills. I normally use the jills first to bolt the easy loose laying bunnies and then enter a small or medium sized hob if I think the jills haven't done a good enough job.
  14. Always have the same number of collars as ferrets. Its all too easy to enter the ferret without the collar and you can be certain that will be the one that lays up.
  15. Q: Why do you think the things are so expensive? A: Because Deben have a monopoly. Deben do nothing wrong, they have done nothing to prevent someone else entering the market. Its just to small for anyone else to bother.
  16. Unless Deben have changed the Mark 3 finders in the last few months they will not locate a mark 1 collar. I can confirm that a Mark 1 finder will locate all collars past and present. i.e. a Mark 1 finder will locate a Mark 3 collar upto 11 feet.
  17. If you have a Mark 3 with pin point device then you can make it work very similar to a Mark 1 finder. Otherwise as you have discovered it is a total pain.
  18. Have used some at about 8 weeks old but generally like them at least 12 weeks old.
  19. Double box which holds 2 jills in each side. Approximately 16 x 8 x 8 inches in size. Use 3/8" plywood and get the rest of the bits from Wilkinsons.
  20. Makes no difference. The rain helps mask any noise you make.
  21. AVOID. Batteries only last 30 hours in the Mk2 collars. Ask yourself the question "Why did Deben discontinue it in under 12 months ?" Go for a Mk3.
  22. The entire range of Deben collars take either 357 or 393 batteries.
  23. The pin point device on the new mark 3 finders make them behave more like a mark 1 so you get the best of both worlds. Last season due to interference (Rugby radio masts) mark 1 became totallly unusable in my area so was forced to upgrade to mark 3 which cut the interference out. It took some getting used to but overall ok.
  24. I have one up for auction on Ebay at £14.99 + £9 P&P (userid rabpete). The postage is a killer, so if you can collect from Rugby, Warwickshire then you have got yourself a bargain for £15. My father makes them as a hobby and takes pride in his work. If you want any advice about making one let me know, it is your cheapest option and should cost less than a tener, maybe even a fiver if you get lucky. Go to your local wood yard and get some off cuts of either 9mm or 12mm plywood. They will only charge you a couple of quid. Get two 75mm hasps and clasps plus two 75mm hinges from Wil
  25. The new pin point knob on the mark 3 finder effectively allows you to turn the volume down \ off. The reason Deben discontinued the mark 1 is because they cannot get some of the parts any more. So although they claim able to repair them, make your own mind up, how do you repair something when you can't get the part? My personal preference is to use a mark 3 collar. I use a mark 3 finder to get a rough location and then switch to a mark 1 finder to pin point. A mark 1 finder will detect a mark 3 collar at about 11 feet. There is far less interference with mark 3 equipment. To see wh
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