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Everything posted by PETEWINN



    I had a listing pulled on EBay so I contacted the copyright holder Sporting Scene to find out why. The reply I got was unbelievable. 1) They pointed me to the warning on the back of the video "NO RESELLING". 2) Said I had reproduced the cover image without their permission. So if you own any videos or DVDs of their's you cannot take a picture of them or sell them without their written permission. I sure won't be buying any more.
  2. Has anyone tried a Loc8tor which has a range of 600 feet. http://www.loc8tor.co.uk/ At £59.99 for one locator and 2 collars I think Deben at last have some competition.
  3. http://www.deben.com/ferretsandterriers/ferretfinder_mk1.htm I brought some a while back and think I got a 5 pack for £5. Doesn't look like this is an option any more.
  4. Someone got a bargain. No wander it sold so quick.
  5. If you want that sort of money then you are going to have to put it on EBay. Noone on here is going to pay what you are asking. My offer of £150 was before you removed one box, one terrier collar and one ferret collar. I think you will do well to get over £100 on here but then maybe someone will prove me wrong.
  6. To start the ball rolling. £150 for the lot. If you split then £ for all three boxes or £25 per box and £15 per collar. I can pay via Paypal or personal cheque.
  7. £35 is fair although you normally have to argue to get the price down. Most vets try to charge you the same as a cat or dog.
  8. Have sent you a pm. I will have it and would prefer it sent recorded delivery. Just let me know how much inclusive of postage.
  9. Do you have a picture and can you take payment via paypal if I cover the commission?
  10. Anywhere between £100 and £150 depending on how quick a sale you want.
  11. Only place you will get a Mk1 collar is EBay as everyone puts them up for auction hoping for silly money. Noone on here is going to flog you one for £25 when someone on EBay will almost certainly pay at least £35 for it.
  12. I normally pay a couple of quid per jill and they may come back into season and need doing a second time. Tell your vet that you don't need a consultation just the jab.
  13. Should be fine. Don't worry until they are born. Then only worry if they don't look right.
  14. Have only used them in Mk3 collars myself. I always replace the batteries well before they fail (after 15 to 20 outing) so can't say how long they last. Mole trapper why don't you pm me your address and I will put 10 in the post. Then after you have used them update this thread and if they are any good pay up, if they are crap then don't pay. Does that sound fair? I completely understand where you are coming from, having had cheap rubbish myself that doesn't even last a whole day.
  15. These are silver oxide batteries and not the cheap alkaline crap that only last a day or two. The reason I have so many is because my local market trader said there was no demand for this size battery so would only get me some if I had 100 of them.
  16. They are suitable for the standard 16ft mk3 terrier collar but not the long range one that goes to 40ft. These are the smaller size batteries and are suitable for use in :- Mark 1 15' ferret collars Mark 1 8' micro collars Mark 2 20' collars Mark 3 16' collars They are not suitable for :- Mark 1 8' standard ferret collars Mark 1 15' terrier collars Mark 3 40' terrier collars
  17. I have a load of 393 type batteries for sale. They come in strips of 10. The price is £3 per ten with a flat rate of £1 postage regardless of how many you have. i.e. 10 for £4, 20 for £7, 30 for £10 PM me if you are interested. I will take payment via Paypal or cheque.
  18. Is there a pin point device on the finder? Is the picture of the exact one you are selling and its current condition? Will you take payment via Paypal?
  19. Just buy a standard 4 foot long purse net and modify the cord to have a peg on each end. No need to get specially made nets. I find the ratio of one poke net for every 10 purse nets is about right.
  20. Prefer 10z twisted nylon nets that are 3'6" long myself. Also find they miss less rabbits if they are made 18 meshes wide rather than the more traditional 15.
  21. Get a copy of Brain Brinded's DVD "Net Making And Repair".
  22. Yes, you can use sheet netting to make purse nets. Stretch the sheet netting out and cut off a piece the length of the purse net you wish to make. Then stitch the net to the ring using strong thread. The purse net will be 15 meshes wide the same as the height / wide of the sheet netting. Alternatively you can loop the netting through the ring and bring it back on itself which is difficult to explain but simple to do once you get the hang of it. This method works best with 4 and 6z netting. 10z netting tends to be a bit thick for this method.
  23. I have two 15ft collars for sale on ebay with a start price of £32.50 each + £2 postage. Buy it now option at £47.50. Make me an offer and I will pull the auctions if we agree on a price
  24. Now for sale on ebay with a start price of £32.50 + £2 postage. Buy it now option at £47.50. Make me an offer and I will pull the auctions if we agree on a price.
  25. I have two Deben 15ft MK1 ferret collars for sale. both in good working order. Please pm me your offers for them. Don't waste my time with offers below £40 each. Payment can be via Paypal, cheque or postal order. I will also accept cash on collection from Rugby in Warwickshire. If I don't get any offers they will be up for grabs on EBay in a few days time. I will also consider swaping for MK3 collars.
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