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Everything posted by PETEWINN

  1. Much the same as any Warrener foxing DVD. IMO once you have seen one you have seen them all. Might just as weel call then volume whatever instead of giving them fancy names to make you think you are getting something different.
  2. I don't think the sequel was ever made. You might find Coney Catcher 1, 2 and 3 interesting as they feature Phil Lloyd or The Lamper 1, 2, 3 and 4 if you're after something similar to Night Hunter 1.
  3. Part one covers the morning and is 20 minutes long. Part two covers the afternoon and is 30 minutes long. I rate these DVDs 9 out of 10. Both are entertaining and extremely well filmed. They show some knowledgable guys bolting rabbits to long nets using ferrets. The same guys are also featured on a DVD called Ferreting To Long Nets which is more of the same and is an hour long. I don't know if this is the same as Long Netting Part 3 or not.
  4. This DVD is approximately 70 minutes long and I would give it 4 out of 10. It shows the 'Strictly Ferreting' lads introducing someone into ferreting. While they give some useful information, it is severely let down by promising to explain things later but never doing so. Like all the Strictly Ferreting offerings this is perfectly watchable but one you will probably sell on after a couple of views.
  5. This DVD is approximately 38 minutes long and is the most entertaining field sport related DVD I have seen in a long time. This is one I definitely will not be putting up for sale. Watch prairie dog after praire dog being blown to pieces. Not one for the faint hearted. This DVD should forefil anyones blood lust. IMO this DVD scores 10 out of 10. It is hard to see how it could be improved. Has anyone seen the sequel Prairie Dog Be Gone And Beyond?
  6. This DVD is approximately 55 minutes long and for me contained at least 54 minutes of total boredom. I almost turned off after around ten minutes but then there was a few seconds of action. I decided that may be things were about to hot up, how wrong I was! Of the 150+ field sport related videos and DVDs I have seen over the years this is the only one that I will not be watching a second time. IMO this DVD scores 0 out of 10. Don't waste your money, even if someone offers it you for free.
  7. The sequel is called Lurcher Fieldcraft. I think it is only available on video and not DVD.
  8. Completely agree, the first one is much better. The second one has a lot less about poaching in it and is more of a run of the mill warrener DVD about rabbiting, very similar to others he has done.
  9. What happened to one bump a week? This has 4 in under a day.
  10. Give it the kid, that will teach people on here to try and knock you down from £100 which is a fair price. At £75 you are giving it away, surprised noone has snapped your hand off. Me being a cheapskate will only pay £25 for a finder and £15 for a collar.
  11. I have picked up over 100 videos and DVDs relating to field sports off EBay but no one seems to be selling these titles.
  12. Does anyone have any of the following titles for sale? If so drop me a PM. It may take me a few days to get back to you as I'm only on the internet a couple of times a week. A Beginners Guide to Ferreting http://www.countryside-video.co.uk/ferreting.htm An Introduction To Ferreting Fair Game Rabbiting With The Ferret Man And Friends http://www.sporting-videos.com/sporting-da...l.php?video=104 Rabbit Control with Ed Cook and Mick Mansbridge http://www.countryside-video.co.uk/rabbit_control.htm The care of ferrets http://www.countryside-video.co.uk/ferrets.htm
  13. Quite normal for Mk1 to play up near metal fences. Electic fences give out a pulse which adds to the confusion.

    Car insurance

    Try adding your mother on to the policy, doesn't matter that she will never drive the car. Price will possibly drop by as much as 25%. When I was your age the thing to do was to buy a cheap brand new car with free insurance. After one year they then gave you full no claims assuming you had been accident free. I think they have caught on now and you have to be 21 for free insurance. Insurance is weird shop around. I changed cars from one worth £1300 to one worth £20000 and my insurance went down, even though the insurance group went up.
  15. All the Keeper Diaries DVDs I have seen have been decent so would expect this one to be no different.
  16. 5 hours on one DVD to me equates to low quality footage. Personally I wouldn't buy anything with more than 3 hours on a single DVD.
  17. Someone on here was selling replica Mark 1 collars for £25 a while back. Can anyone remember who?
  18. Orange, it reflects light better in the dark. Don't want to leave £100 laying around and not be able to find it.
  19. Does that mean if someone offered you a finder and collar for less than £130 you would buy it off them as you have a sale for it and could make a few quid. Haven't seen one on EBay make that price for a long time.
  20. Thanks crow, was hoping someone on here might be willing to part with a copy for a little less. I wish I hadn't hesitated on the one that was on EBay last week at £15.
  21. Anyone have a copy of Net-Making For Sport by Howard Glynn or know where I can get a copy?
  22. Two items sent me took 8 days to arrive after the date they were post marked. Can't blame the sender for that.

    FAO GLYN157

    I always ask for things to be sent recorded delivery. At least that way you get a tracking number and both parties can tell the item has been posted and not arrived. Although it doesn't help you if he's just took your money. Two weeks since the cheque cleared is far too long.
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