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Everything posted by PETEWINN

  1. Only sure way is to breed with it. If you get babies then it hasn't.
  2. No Jack's Game videos. These are what I currently have for sale. Introduction To French Partridge Shooting Safe Shooting Harvests Of The Soil Mud Matters RSPB with Barry Paine Understanding Shooting Form - Bowhunting (30 Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Hunting Action (75 Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Video Journal vol 1 ( Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Video Journal vol 2 (60 Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Video Journal vol 3 (65 Minutes) Calling Whitetails - Tips and Techniques (45 Minutes) Lohman Whitetail Challenge 7 (75 Minutes) Lohman Whitetail Challenge 10 (90 Minutes) The Best Of Qu
  3. I agree, but there is plenty of stuff that is only legally available on VHS. Not everyone wants an illegal video to DVD transfer. Normally what I end up doing with DVDs when I get fed up trying to sell them. Videos I tend to just tape over but if any youngster wants them let me know. Forgot to say all videos are originals.
  4. Very few people want videos nowadays. At most you are going to get £5 and in all likelyhood if you were to offer it for free with just the postage cost of £1.63 would probably stuggle to find anyone to take it off your hands. I have purchased over 50 field sport related videos in the last couple of years and normally get them for under £3 inclusive of postage.
  5. The grey bar is a ferrite rod aerial, available from maplin. http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=859
  6. Own brand wood stain from wilcos, has never done my ferrets any harm. If you are worried then leave the inside untreated. Obviously don't put the ferrets in the box for a week or so after treating it.
  7. Someone must know. Information for twisted nylon is Size Diam Length Per Kg 8z 210/24 1.00mm 1610m 9z 210/27 1.10mm 1390m 10z 210/30 1.20mm 1240m 11z 210/33 1.25mm 1130m 12z 210/36 1.30mm 1070m
  8. VHS videos for sale £5 each. Offers will be considered. They can either be collected from Rugby, Warwickshire or I will post. Postage will be £1.63 for the first video and then no more than 50p for each extra one. Payment can be made via Paypal, Cheque or Cash. Introduction To French Partridge Shooting Safe Shooting Harvests Of The Soil Mud Matters RSPB with Barry Paine Understanding Shooting Form - Bowhunting (30 Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Hunting Action (75 Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Video Journal vol 1 ( Minutes) Bowhunter Magazine Video Journal vol 2 (60 Minutes)
  9. Recalibration is a bit of trial and error. There are two pot resistors that you adjust with a small screwdriver. Make a note of their position before you start fiddling.
  10. They are called pot resistors. Adjusting them will alter the depth the finder picks up at.
  11. Problems can still occur outdoors if you are with 100 yards of an electricity pylon or close to a metal or electric fence. If you know a bit about electronics then there are a couple of pot resistors you could try adjusting. This sometimes helps. Deben will call this adjustment calibration. Make a note of where they are set before you start.
  12. This is normal if you are using it indoors. Electical cables play havac with it. Try it outside.
  13. If you take one peg out so it weighs under a kilo then you can post it second class for £2.49 otherwise it will have to go either first class for £4.30 or standard parcels for £4.20. I normally tape the pegs together and wrap in a strong plastic bag like the couriers use.
  14. Part 1. Does that mean there's going to be a part 2? If the guys going to make a few then I might just wait for a box set to come out and get them all in one hit.
  15. Buy yourself a copy of The Countrymans Weekly and look at the adverts in there. That will give you a number of places that sell ready made nets at a sensible price. For cheap nets, I would recommend 10z nylon that cost about £1.50 each.
  16. The depth is controlled by the collar. In simple terms if the collar takes one battery then it is an eight foot collar, if it takes 2 then 15'. The collars will take one of 2 types of batteries, either the smaller 393 ones or the large 357 type. The only difference between a 8' and 15' finder is the sticker. If using with the opposite collar then you just half or double the distance accordingly.
  17. Watched it yesterday and if you want another Warrener foxing DVD then it might be worth the money, otherwise steer clear. There are small sections on things other than foxing but estimate they total less than 15 minutes.
  18. Much the same as any other Warrener foxing title. Worth a watch but his later titles have better quality of filming.
  19. The badger one is rubbish, not even worth the 15p a blank DVD costs. Strictly Lamping is ok but not as good as The Lamper series. If you are local to Rugby, I can lend you the video.
  20. Enjoyed this one more than poacher 1 + 2, although it might just as well have been called poacher 3 rather than mouching days and hunting ways. Don't know why he doesn't just call them Warrener Volume XX as all the recent ones have covered a mixture of field sports.
  21. Payment can be via Paypal, cheque or postal order.
  22. Videos for sale. All are originals. Safe Shooting Sporting Clays with AJ "Smoker" Smith Harvests Of The Soil Strictly Ferreting Volume One Strictly Ferreting Volume Two Strictly Lamping Volume One Ratting With The CoalVille Rat Pack Mud Matters RSPB with Barry Paine Briarwood Whitetails Duckmen South I'm looking for £5 each inclusive of postage or £35 for the lot but am open to offers.
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