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    Mega Hunter

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    Rugby, Warwickshire

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  1. The size of the timmers are 100R and 1M. 1M are readily available and cheap http://cpc.farnell.com/te-connectivity-citec/cb10lh105m/trimmer-side-adjust-1m/dp/RE04308 100R are harder to find and dearer http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-X-TE-CONNECTIVITY-CITEC-CB10LH101M-TRIMMER-SIDE-ADJUST-100R-/390614564816?hash=item5af2713fd0:g:6yIAAMXQL99Sa73w
  2. It is perfectly safe to use the batteries. They are identical dimensions and voltage to a 394 battery. The difference is that AG9 is alkaline whereas 394 is silver oxide. In general alkaline batteries have a lower mAh rating than their silver oxide equivalent so don't last as long. Silver oxide will be around 80mAh whereas alkaline will be about 50mAh.
  3. I'll buy your broken Mk1 ferret finders. PM what you want for them and a brief description of the fault.
  4. If you are lucky they will send you one free of charge.
  5. The price varies a lot on EBay. In the last month I have picked up two lots containing similar to what you are selling for just under £100 including postage. They both contained a finder finder, 8ft ferret collar, 15ft ferret collar and a 15ft terrier collar. On a good day they may fetch nearer the £200 mark.
  6. Where do you buy replacement leather collars for the Mk1 8ft ferret transmitters? Deben used to sell a 6 pack for £5.95 but have discontinued them. Now all I can find is Mk3M replacements collars at £2.95 each. These will do the job but seem expensive.
  7. What evidence do you have to back up your comment? Web site checks out fine via scam advisor and there are plenty of positive comments over the last 2 years from various sources. If it was a scam it would be much easier to find negative comments. If you are worried about spam then use an alternative free email address you are happy to get rid of.
  8. Check this out http://freepostcodelottery.com/?ref=61785 for your chance to win £20 every day. Basically you register using your postcode and email address. If your postcode comes up you get £20.
  9. Make sure you use silver oxide ones and not alkaline.
  10. Don't waste money on getting it calibrated just double the distance it's telling you when you use a 15ft collar. Won't be spot on but near enough.
  11. If it's a Mk1 8ft ferret collar that takes a single LR44 battery I would leave it in, it will last 3 to 4 months. Any other collar take the battery(s) out otherwise you will need new ones every 10 to 15 days.
  12. Collars either work or they don't so would put it down to the box. Is he using a 15ft box where he needs to half the reading from 6ft to 3ft which when you allow for calibration differences could be 2ft.
  13. They regularly pack up in my experience.
  14. You normally get about a quid each for them on ebay second hand regardless of what they are made from or their size.
  15. Are these for 8ft collars that take a single 393 type battery or 15ft collars that that two 393 batteries? I have a few of the 15ft ones.
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