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About jeepster

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. I'm not a member of the Mark Brick fan club - however I think he should go throught to the next round. Numbers caught on the night - his dog won 9 - 7 - most people would have liked to see a bigger bag, but unless you got merlin the magician along to pull some rabbits out of his hat if the rabbits aint there on a particular night for one reason or another (who knows if someone else had had a sniff round earlier in the evening???), you aint going to catch them. Heat ran early??? the original date when the comp was first put up was Oct 1st - it slipped back to Nov 1st when there was lack
  2. My Father In law & I have the sole rough shooting rights on a 500 acre farm thats local -we slip the farmer a bottle of whiskey at christmas & always offer him a rabbit/pigeons etc when we've been out (if he or his wife is there) - sometimes he takes one & sometimes he doesn't - but that's all that changes hands either way. Both sides are happy with the arrangements.
  3. Stork - I get nearly that out of my jeep - 4 litre straight 6 auto - averages 17 - 18 mpg - if you boot it hard on a long hill you can get the coputer to read 6.5 mpg!!! - but the comfort is there - I can drive it from one end of the country to the other, only stopping for fuel & get out of it as fresh as if I'd just driven it round the fields!
  4. jeepster


    Great pictures, stork - those ones of the mortar going off are awesome!
  5. Congrats Mark & Cat - I wasn't rooting for you, but well done. Well done to Spep & Tilly too. Let's hope all the other heats in the comp are as close & injury free.
  6. A few years ago we were living with my in-laws (farmers & father-in-law enjoys shooting., ferreting etc) when a guy came with two young rabbits - my two kids saw them before Father-in-law did, and thought F-I-L had got them some pets. (The guy who brought them bred show rabbits and used to bring F-I-L the ones that wern't up to the mark, F-I-L used to eat them) They were kept for a few months, but were vicious buggers, we've all got scars from their claws & teeth. One escaped a couple of time, and ended up in the pot -(it was the more vicious of the two) my kids loved the chicken pie
  7. Quite a few years ago a pal of mine had a male that he kept as a pet for a while after finding it flying round his bedroom one night. It's party piece was to throw a matchbox over its back, which it would do if you rattled the matchbox between its pincers
  8. I had brown bear in Croatia - it wasn't that different to venison. Also had jelly fish (no taste - but the texture was like haivng jelly with semonila in it) and fried chickens feet (crispy - don't remeber any particular flavour) in Thailand, and fish head curry in Malaysia. Also stuffed chilis in Malaysia - hot, but not unbearable - they were stuffed with torfu but luckilythe chilis took the taste of it away! The worst thing I had was salted cod's liver in Oslo - mean't to be a delicacy, bt much too salty to taste anything!
  9. The only bitch I ever had that caught squirrels was a lab x springer! Probably cus my father-in-law took her out one day when he was knocking em out of nests
  10. Met a guy in Crete a couple of years ago who used to go fishing with sticks of dynamite - but when I met him he only had one arm and was a bit maized in the head - apparently he cut a fuze too short one day - he was lucky to be alive as he was fishing alone & another fisherman came across his boat an hour or so later
  11. MarkBrick1 said he was going to do one for charity........................
  12. I enjoyed that almoust as much as I was there!
  13. Done a bit of digging - the body who overseesthe BBc is OfCom - they deal with complaints about bias etc. The website on how to complain is http://www.ofcom.org.uk/complain Sorry -don't know how to put this up as a link If you've seen the progrmme & think its biassed etc complian - the more complaints the more likely they are to do something about it!
  14. No dog is too old to learn, mate - the older they are the more training it takes, & we are more likely to give up on it the longer it takes. Good luck with him, he's got the makings so it would seem.
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