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About hamish247

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  • Birthday 21/11/1986

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  • Location
    Oxfordshire and Devon
  1. Hey guys loads of really helpful advice there! Especially pointing out me being a twatter and calling it a modifier, I did know its called a moderator - promise! I'll be doing some research and I'll let you guys know what I part cash for! P.S I though the same about the shrouded barrel as you Sean but got told I can get it even quieter - anything to give me an advantage!
  2. Hey Guys, I've got a BSA-R10 ordered and was wondering what modifier people recommend slapping on to it? I saw the Allcocks http://www.allcocksoutdoorstore.co.uk/store/product/14155/R10-Carbon-Hush-Exclusive-To-Allcocks-Outdoor/Has anyone got anything good or bad to say about them? P.S if you're recommending one I'd prefer it to be non tapered but let me know what you think! Westy
  3. Nice shot but why the hell are you feeding the foxes?!
  4. Leaving for it 5am tomorrow!
  5. Its a .177 so looks like I just need to get to a range to set it up properly, theres not much room in a student house! ;) I think my eagerness got the better of me but all good experience i suppose!
  6. I've just bought my first air rifle, a BSA Scorpion and a friend invited me over to dispatch of some crows on his land. I think through my eagerness I failed to zero the rifle in properly so came back with nothing. Despite it probably being the zeroing issue (and my aim!) I could hear the pellets breaking twigs as they passed through the branches of the tree. Would it be better to try and decoy the crows onto the floor (dead rabbit and a crow decoy style) or should i get more confident taking clean shots through the tree? Cheers guys, Westy
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