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Everything posted by lurcher123

  1. Blood and mucous in your dog's stools does indicate a problem, but it will require your vet to sort out the cause and determine the appropriate treatment. The condition could be due to: •A worm infestation such as roundworm, tapeworm or hookworm •A virus such as parvo or corona, and yes, a vaccinated dog can still pick up these viruses, but usually to a lesser degree •A case of colitis, sometimes referred to as irritable bowel syndrome Basically, I recommend that you contact your vet and take in a stool sample for analysis. Your vet will examine the stool for parasites,
  2. Just got a 3/4 Colly x whippet my self, she is only 7-8 months, so just learning her basics, "clever" little thing, jumping, retrieving and stays close when of the lead, she has had a couple of rabbits on the lamp but ill be taking my time with her as she is still puppish, Good looking dog with all the rabbits, the very same as my one mate.
  3. my mate is parting with a 3/4 whip x colly, good lamper 16 months email for more info
  4. phoned and left you my number as you never answered mate, call if you get a chance thanks
  5. "Hows D crack" Is dat your-self ? Hows she cutin
  6. First boil until a throth appears on top, then tip half your water away, (not all of it as this is the stock for your Stu) then top back up and bring back to a fast boil, add your veg, oxo and perhaps a tin of oxtail soup, "Good for the gums" This seems to work, see how ya get on mate.
  7. The dog that won last years lamping comp, Bruce, is over 27", and his old kennel mate, Billy, was 29" but it didn't stop him being a good rabbit dog ! Cheers. thanks for your opinion, decision made.
  8. Good amount of rabbits mate, fair play to ya and the dogs, I haven't seen 50 rabbits all season never mind catch 50 in a night!, lol. Ya wanna sell one of ya dogs? could do with a good rabbit-er, well done lads.
  9. Hello, pm sent, as your having probs, your welcome to call: 07795525542, contact can be maintained great home assured, thanks, call when ever you wish, could take her on today if you need, or when your ready to let her go, thanks.
  10. Hello, here is a couple of my pictures, hope you like em
  11. Hi mate, put the soiled bedding in the run, and make the sleeping quarter just big enough for your dog to sleep, (no bedding just on a ply board base) your dog will soon learn not to mess in its own bed, clean its sleeping quarter out,(with jeys or disinfectant) but not the run, for a few days, "this is tried and tested and work's"!!! let me no how you get on. good luck
  12. a couple of months, lol. cant believe it has not been snapped up, you lads are slow !,lol smart working dog at that price,(£150 or there abouts) whats going on? recession cant begrudge a dog like this can it??? some one snap it up, its a lot of dog for such a little price... PHONE NUMBER ON PAGE TWO, calls welcome lads.
  13. smart looking dog for sale, at a great price!!, would suit someone as pet show or work, (or a stud, as he really dose look the part) hope he gets a good home, GREAT PRICE: £150 or there abouts, (you would pay that to use him as stud) Saluki/Greyhound x Saluki pics of him attached "smart isn't he !!" good luck,
  14. LOL, Seems like you do the same as i do, IE: check the dog, feed,water then out into a clean warm kennel, so it looks like you do agree, but if not it don't mater, we all have our own ways, good luck
  15. If you get an "out side" dog you can bring it in to the house if you wish, then put it back out when you need to !! (the dog will not mind) But if you have a "house dog" it will not settle to easy if left out side when you wish, also after a hard night lamping in the rain you hardly want/need a bid old dog snoozing on your chairs, (unless it catches 3/3, then it can stay at the bottom of the bed,)lol keep a dog out side, make sure its dry and free from draught," your dog will most likely prefer it than being stuck in the house with the heating on any way," good luck with your new lur
  16. If you get an "out side" dog you can bring it in to the house if you wish, then put it back out when you need to !! (the dog will not mind) But if you have a "house dog" it will not settle to easy if left out side when you wish, also after a hard night lamping in the rain you hardly want/need a bid old dog snoozing on your chairs, (unless it catches 3/3, then it can stay at the bottom of the bed,)lol keep a dog out side, make sure its dry and free from draught," your dog will most likely prefer it than being stuck in the house with the heating on any way," good luck with your new lur
  17. has she been rehomed yet mate,?? 07795525542. pm sent,
  18. please call :07795525542 or pm your number thanks (pm sent)
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