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About misner1911

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  1. I live in california and ferts are illeagal to own as pets, even though several thousand people do own and keep them. had two myself at one time,but ferret owners in this state face confescation, fines, and possible jail time,the department of fish and game argues that domestic ferrets can colonize and cause ecological damage to the native area..... silly argument really given the fact that we have a native polcat, and weasel speicies here anyways, I feel they need to worrie more about our ferral cat problem wich poses a greater threat to wild bird and water foul than a colonie of ferrets
  2. new to this forum ,just want to introduce myself.... interests are mostly ratting ,with air rifles or smokers and terriers, ferrets are illeagal to own where I live... I have one terrier at the moment and interested in another, and I have a small collection of high powered air rifles... just lookin for some good reading and pics on terriers ,air gunning,hunting,trapping, and ferreting.... misner 1911
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