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About nealey

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 23/09/1965

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  1. Been doing a bit looking, I think I have found the one I'm on about. Left: Sheridan Powermaster with folding wristbrace
  2. As anyone got a pair of original black widows they would sell me please ? I mean the ones that came out 30/35 years ago, their winder than the new types. I had a pair my dad brought 30 or so years ago, but i didn't get them back when i split with my ex, back in 2010 Many thanks Pete..
  3. Load of bollcks mate, incapacity is only £89. a week http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/FinancialSupport/DG_10016082 and here,s the DLA prices http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/FinancialSupport/DisabilityLivingAllowance/DG_10011925 Cheers
  4. Ive used opera for years now, always been good, fast too !!!
  5. nealey

    Car sick !!

    Most pet shops stock car sick tablets for dogs. They're generally made from ginger. I used ginger nut biscuits for my dog. Until he got used to the car. rgds Swampy doctorning when do you give the biscuits mate (how long before the journey) ?? Cheers
  6. Hi, can anyone give me tips to help my 17 week old pup being sick in the car. I don't have travel far only 2 miles and he's throwing up. I think its motion sickness not nerves, because he's not bothered about getting the car at all, and he don't whine or cry, I don't even hear him when he throws up, lol. Cheers.
  7. Had An hour round the pig farm this afternoon with Bedlington Jack another 8 rats to his tally, makes a total of 326 rat kills now.
  8. I was, but I cancelled, Its shite, not for me anyway !!!
  9. I was, but I cancelled, Its shite, not for me anyway !!!
  10. Hi, Full beddy Kay, Cheers Thanks , i asked as it seems leggy , well compared to the beddlingtons i have seen before He looks it yeah, his legs are wet, he's 16 inch 4 years old on the 28th of this month.
  11. Here's Jack & Merlin keeping cool this afternoon !! Bath time when they got home,
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