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About Imperfection

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 10/08/1970

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  • Interests
    Photography shooting walking carpentry DIY
  1. Possibly some soldier stored grease there so he could lubricate the rifle in the field perhaps? Nice little find! Was the grease still sticky or had it started to go solid? Im after a No5 too as they're a short quirky rifle and i like old military stuff.I already have a 1944 K98 Mauser and a 1934 M91 Nagant so an Enfield would have to be next!
  2. If you go for a semi-bear in mind they need a bit more cleaning.Takes me around 45 minutes to do a complete strip & clean,but i dont find it a chore.Most important thing is to keep the gas ports open otherwise cartridges wont feed into chamber from magazine properly.A cotton bud soaked in bore cleaner is ideal for poking through the holes. I suppose semi's are like Marmite-you either love em' or loathe em'! I love em' though!
  3. I can hear fireworks going off as i type which suprises me because theres a monsoon outside and you'd have to be a few tinnies short of a six pack to be out in that! My dog however is cool as a cucumber sprawled out on sofa asleep! Fireworks have never bothered him fortunately.
  4. I would have done the same and not said a word.Best not to give the anti's any more ammunition. Similiar thing. Couple of years back while walking my dog in local woods and fields,a well spoken,but also agitated middle aged woman stopped me and said "Can you hear that?" I replied "what?" She then said "Gunshot.I moved from Bristol to get away from noises like that!" I did politely explain that this is rural Cambridgeshire and that shooting is a popular pastime,but she wasnt having any of it and stormed off in a huff no doubt to phone the rozzers.I didnt get the chance to tell
  5. I'd go back to Dallas 1963...infact i was that person on the grassy knowl...
  6. Ok-starting from the left... Sage the Black hen-Onion the red hen and Vegas the Bullmastiff. The hens are very tame and get along so well.
  7. Same thing happened to me and i spent ages reinstalling software,reboots etc,but turns out it was the USB cable. Sometimes im such a dipstick and dont check the easy things.
  8. Try looking at your Police forces website as often in the firearms section-they list clubs in the area.
  9. Sorry.We'll probably get a monsoon tommorrow though as payback..!
  10. My thermometer outside is still registering a glorious 24 degrees at this very moment,but my garden is south facing! Honestly,it feels so warm outside!!!
  11. Its been glorious weather today and wish i'd been out shooting,but was let down by two **** wits who didnt even have the decency to phone. Atleast i managed to spend a few hours early this morning walking my dog in stunning countryside.
  12. lol-Yorkies are formidable agressors and shouldnt be underestimated! Theres one round here which terrorises everyone elses dogs and the owner cops a strop when they retaliate! Makes me chuckle when i see this tiny fur ball having a temper tantrum at much larger dogs!
  13. Taken these over the last week.I find b&w suits certain images better than colour. Thanks for looking.
  14. Once upon a time,i too used Petplan,but they stuck their premiums up so much the monthly amount was more than my house and car insurance combined.Admittingly at the time i had a Rottweiler which attracted bad press,but it still dont excuse plain old greed. I switched to Direct Line and used them for years,but i now have a Bullmastiff and recently moved to Tescos who were half the price again.The policy is less i must add as it will only pay illness/accidents etc £2,500 per year,but with how things are-im looking at ways to save money. Try Tescos!
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