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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Surely they should come with it as standard, it wont work with out it.
  2. miss bashing the crows, I've got a good rabbit perm with a long wood that runs parallel with it full of crows but last time i went there i got a right load of sh!t off some fat cow! she seems to think she owns it... but I've got permission off the owner and tennent!! wtf Talk to the owner. And chuck some dead rabbits up in the bushes out of veiw of the Fat Cow, you'd be surprised what will turn up over a week in the Winter.
  3. But what would win a grass cutting competition? Your tempramental mower or two slightly smaller than average sheep. Sheep.
  4. Rabbits will see you coming when the screen lights you up, does it have a dimmer?
  5. Mayweather boxing and sticking to boxing rules, and McGregor sticking to MMA, so who would win?
  6. Was in Louth market in Lincs, the local game dealer was selling pheasants for a tenner a brace.
  7. Yes, and quite useful with it too.
  8. I'll bet your popular with the local cops. lol
  9. I met a UK skunk breeder once and he had the dried gland from one in a specimen jar ,and even that stank like hell. But its not only their spray .They can bite hard as well. I've noticed on the wildlife docs on tv, that you have to be a very skinny predator to eat a skunk, dead or alive.
  10. Rodriguez likes his kick boxing.
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