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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. I'd want to be there with a mini gun.
  2. 100% agree, on this site we are cutting off our nose to spite our faces. Who actually set this site up anyway When this site was born, hunting in all forms was legal. It's up to the people posting topics as to how we are received by the public.
  3. With modern air rifles, 40 meters is well with in reach for most folk with good eyesight.
  4. 200 films, what an actor. RIP.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTyqluFxYIY
  6. I like him more and more all the time.
  7. The stock looks fine until you reach the trigger, the flat bit on the stock looks out of place, don't know why?
  8. The crosshair i use on the 870lrf is great from 37 yard zero out to 75 yards and more Put up a pic.
  9. Drop your cocks and grab your socks.
  10. Did I fire five or was it six, feeling lucky punk.
  11. If there is one thing I'd like to say to pulsar, get some better cross hairs for airgunners.
  12. She learnt that look from the Mrs.
  13. Final shot of the day, nice setting.
  14. Got my last woman a pressure cooker, we are not together now.
  15. If your not doing any wrong, then there is no problem, and nothing to report.
  16. The MK2's were crap, I was glad when mine died and I had to buy a MK3m.
  17. I don't mind a like, it proves people read and look at your topics.
  18. It's positive discrimination Dave Black lives matter.
  19. Well, it was about time we put the Mrs ferret to work. Last year I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, surprise me she said, so I bought her a ferret, next time tell me what you want. We drove to a farm quite near to us to have a look. What I was looking for was something easy where the jill would not wander off with out us seeing her. So on arrival we headed to a pile of soil that looked just the job. 5 or 6 holes netted up, and we were ready to plop the jill in. The usual first things first for ferrets on their first time out, roll in the soil, a quick chase of the dogs,
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