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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Just poison it, who's going to know?
  2. The last gig tonight. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38841175
  3. It's to cold, it's too wet, the moon's up, too windy, mixy, commitments.
  4. You need to go and try them both before you part with your wonga, looks count for nothing, will they fit your shoulder? and can you hold either rifle comfortably? One rifle will not fit everyone.
  5. There will be a lot of cry babies staying in bed and having a onesie day.
  6. I'll bet there's thousands of little yellow patches in the snow where her pet foxes have been pissing.
  7. Don't think she is a lesbo actually. I thought she said the other night she was a grandmother. Maybe she didn't mean the literal sense. Grandmother might be a term for old virgin lesbian, lesbo jargon.
  8. I think a Polar Bear thought she was a Walrus, but a after a couple of knaws it spat her out, lesbians are an acquired taste, and she was hiding behind a pile of snow for ten days shitting it, before she was rescued.
  9. What about hare? Lurcher for catching hare is much better than gun. Saluki type lurcher is best for hare over here I agree. Our lurcher dogs looking for a hare and give a voice. After it we adjust for it and shot.How do you do it? We let lurcher just catch the hare, or hare get away. They amazing athletes thats why we need saliki blood in the lurcher for stamina. We dont like lurchers to bark, it tells other we are there. Our lurchers are silent Katchum youve gone into "speaking to foreigner" mode lol Bet your shouting it as you type Cheers, D. With accent.
  10. You've got the Black Bears, the Polar Bears, the Wolves, the Wolverine. And their all out to eat me.
  11. And the people who will eat the chickens.
  12. Looks like the dogs are having the last laugh. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4171124/Mosul-liberated-ISIS-legacy-remains.html?ito=social-facebook
  13. stealthy1


    Nothing in my pond either, just looked when I let the dog out for a shit.
  14. Used to be glued to the screen when Jack Hargreaves was on How, HOW!
  15. Got his DVD set made up of his programs, strange to watch them and think, that was what life was like back then, and hasn't it changed.
  16. He comes here to use his golf courses, he has businesses here, so it's not like he's a stranger.
  17. Clean the barrel, then sit with the pellets that performed the best and see if you can close the group, if you can't then chop it for something else.
  18. I couldn't find them in a 10 for myself so I doubt it! It was worth a try.
  19. The little lads wellies are ace, do they come in a size 11.
  20. Thought you'd gone, more bullshit posts and trolling.
  21. Once you have lost confidence in a gun you may as well get rid, there are plenty of good guns out there to go at.
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