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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. I have 5 jills and 2 hobs, one hob has nuts that work, the other is snipped. I keep the hobs apart all the time, the only time they see the jills are when the snipped hob sees the jills to cover them, or if I need a couple of kits, in goes the unsnipped hob, doesn't seem to bother them living alone, and they are playfull enough when they are out, or battering round in the wheel, different strokes for different folks.
  2. Proves you have at least one good eye. Well done.
  3. In the bag Wales, well done.
  4. Always check your collar batteries, because those small cell batteries are shit, had 4 sent from Maplins, only 2 had any charge in them, and they were not full.
  5. I think the government would allow all forms of pest control with dogs, on licence, IF you could control the idiot factor.
  6. It looks a bit to much assault rifle for me, in some places I shoot, the locals would be on the phone, and that would have the helicopters up.
  7. One of the better looking bullpups, unlike some of the SAS type of things on the market.
  8. They remind me of an ex hahahaha! Those hazy drunken nights.
  9. The side adjusters look like a green fanny held shut by a black rubber band.
  10. Lamping is boring, fun in the 70's when I was a kid, I don't mind the odd night out, but the novelty wore off years ago.
  11. Well done England, another close game.
  12. Princess Anne isn't very smiley.
  13. Get in, well done. Hard luck Ireland, close game.
  14. Game over It's the second half we struggle with, so plenty of time yet.
  15. I saw that program on Lemmy last year. I thought it was really sad. Living the dream to him was living alone in a rented flat and going to the bar and hoping to bump into someone to talk to. RIP Lemmy. Lemmy didn't come across to me like that , I saw him as a bloke who was very switched on articulate & sharp as a tack, clearly comfortable with his own thoughts & company, I genuinely think he frequented the Rainbow so as he was accessible to people who loved him & Motorhead. He toured none stop because he loved performing , right up to his death 11th Dec was his last gig ,
  16. How do I go about getting onto moochers ? The are only recruiting thirsty twinks at the minute.
  17. Seen Saxon In Doncaster, around 1980.
  18. Nearly saw Blizzard Of Oz at Reading in 79, but the pulled out, and Slade filled the spot, So Here It Is Merry Christmas in Augunst, care free days.
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