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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Wool, you can't beat a bit of wool and piss, I'll end up with tweed wellies Real wool?
  2. How much, or should I not ask.
  3. I was working in Tesco last night, aisle 7 rearranging the washing powder. When I bumped into the lady I have just started dating. She was not happy. “Oi! You told me you are a stunt pilot you lying git.” She said. “No, I told you I was part of an Ariel display team.” I replied.
  4. The problem with forums is that you can write something, but you can't tell how the other party will take it, they may not be in the same frame of mind, so you have to take things with a pinch of salt. Welcome back fanny wellies.
  5. Long nets and dimmed lights we used, be quiet, and the rabbits should bolt to the net, beware that sometimes the rabbits are out if it's dark, so watch for back netters running back to the warren.
  6. The reason I shoot airguns is because I find it more of a challenge, when I had more powerfull guns I shot anything that moved, and soon found to my cost that things began to stop moving, and then I got bored with shooting, there was nothing I couldn't kill, didn't shoot for five years, renewed my licence, and still didn't go shooting. Then I bought the HW100KT, and do you know what, I'm still enjoying it as much as the day I bought it, plinking is something I enjoy a lot, knock down targets with some mates, love it.
  7. Might be better to post this in the ferreting section.
  8. Same here, just had a bill £395.50, there's only me and the Mrs. That is a huge amount of electricity for a quarter if there is only two of you. Did you try the Uswitch site? Yes, been on the site, having a ring round again today, normally our bill is around the 250 mark, so I think it's time to change.
  9. Seems a common thing these days.
  10. I pay the same, but for the year, £540, but we have no meters, the house I'm in is sitting on the water mains, so the water board can't connect a meter.
  11. You didn't put a bet on this weekend, did you? Not since 2008.
  12. I've rang a few companies, they all want to tie me into a long term deal, or put me on some pay monthly contract, it's like they're scared your going to rob them, I only want some electric at right money, and then pay the bill at the end of the quarter. How hard can it be.
  13. Same here, just had a bill £395.50, there's only me and the Mrs. For how long? We got a smart meter so we can see what we're using. Our bills are about 100 a month but I work from home and have two powerful computers running 24/7 plus we like cooking. We used first utility but I don't know how good they are. I recommend looking on https://www.uswitch.com for recommended deals A quarter.
  14. Same here, just had a bill £395.50, there's only me and the Mrs.
  15. Who you with and what do you pay? Just looking at moving my energy suppliers to some one else, so who's got the best deals?
  16. Well done France, another gripper.
  17. Looks like a high tide saved a few of the whales. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38942763
  18. £500 Well it's an offer I will give you that I was going to start at £200.
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