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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Heroin cocaine ecstasy acid weed legal drugs the worlds awash with them, has anybody ever stopped too ask why, in reality nobody is forced to take any of them, more so actively discouraged , yet they still sell in huge quantities ad there's no sign of it stopping, why do people want these things so badly and at any cost or consequence? the current way of dealing with it is pathetic and the best solution they collectively have come up with since the lot was abolished and these people lead us Cannabis was still legal when I was a kid, and then it was banned, and the smack took it's place
  2. Can't see how you can stop your kids doing weed? It's everywere. Spice was legal until not long ago, and weed not, what does that say.
  3. It will definitely work better with out the slurry.
  4. It's coming on. Good lad. Your lad should have put this on his own page, he'd get some likes rounded up.
  5. Make your own stock Mac, it's only a bit of wood, how hard can it be.
  6. Contact Rakeaboot on here, he's your man.
  7. Springers are not hard to take apart, it's knowing what suits your gun, buy a kit and give it a go, plenty of talented lads on this section to bail you out if you get stuck.
  8. You got of light with only the one pellet in the barrel, the favourite trick is to fire another pellet up it's arse to push it out. And then everyone who's passed the gun does the same.
  9. I just fire my biscuit through the mess in a line down the front of the cage, that way the older ferrets don't get pushed out.
  10. Got Blue Tits outside my back door, filling a nestbox. Last year they were in the other box, at the bottom of the garden, they made the nest out of the fluff from my GSD's tennis balls, a dayglo nest when I cleaned it out.
  11. I'll bet he's a hard man to contact.
  12. Still can't see any pix.
  13. Love my HW100KT, the only gun I've not chopped in for some thing else, and it's one of the first ones that came out with the then, all new filler probe, bought new, and I'll bet I've shot around 7,000 rabbits with it, and couldn't give a figure on birds or rats, or plinking kills, like tin cans, bottles, and a myriad of other things I like to twang, and it's never missed a beat.
  14. You look like you've been tar and feathered Mac.
  15. I can see two of your posts with videos.
  16. He'd have got less stick if he had just back handed the bitch.
  17. Was with Axa until I bought a van, then they told me they don't do vans? So a mate said ring Aviva, and they insured my combo for £185 fully comp, full no claims bonus, and protector, £250 excess, but ring round anyway, and don't get lazy ringing round, or you'll get fleased.
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