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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. You'd think a bird that lives in Africa, and fly's a couple of thousand miles just to breed here would be able to find water in our country.
  2. I dont think they will struggle, when you can fly, ponds, streams and rivers are only a couple of flaps away. And there is plenty about this year, could be a scorcher.
  3. I keep in with the Mrs friends, you never know when your going to get dumped, and you might need to shag one of them until you find some thing else.
  4. RIP Nicky. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/motorsport/39984647
  5. The owl is staring straight at you.
  6. Shoot them, unless you can wait until Autumn.
  7. We've just had 3 days of rain here, and our tits have been hammering the bird table or fat balls. I put this down to the rain washing the insects away, and caterpillars. If a chick dies in the nest the parents will throw it out to keep the nest clean. Check the crop of the chicks and you'll know if they are being fed or not.
  8. Spent hours drop trapping as a kid, with patience you could catch anything.
  9. A couple of slices of bread, and knock them off sat in the garden shed, and then like others in the 70's, fed them to the ferrets. On the red list now.
  10. No, your record will always remain, even the stuff before you were eighteen if you have a long history.
  11. Just said on radio that they are struggling to find an undertaker that wants to sort the c**t out.
  12. 90% of the time it's the so called dog man that's at fault, and the main reason the dog won't perform.
  13. We used to use sand and cement to fill hessian sacks to make bridges over dykes and ditches, in days gone by, built them over large concrete pipes to let the water pass under the bridge, the hessian rots and leaves the imprint of the sack.
  14. Looks like a small wolf, must have some gape to fit the russell in it's mouth with ease.
  15. Only if your a game keeper.
  16. That's what we do with the House Martins.
  17. Get some money on the lotto.
  18. Why are folk so fixated with wage increases? Every time wages go up, so does the things you buy, so your no better off, ever. The worst thing that ever happened was the minimum wage, prior to the minimum wage, companies that were after you hard earned didn't know what you earned. The only way to be better off is to make your money go further, that way the supermarkets will have to fight for your custom, and lower their prices.
  19. Meant to be lucky if they shit on you.
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