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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. I would live trap them if they wont come to hand. Looks like someone's lost a couple of ferrets, and they are moving as a trio, so there is a good chance they're tame.
  2. Is the tree your trying to get going a fig or a wallnut? If it's old and not fruiting, dig a trench a foot deep, 3 feet away from the trunk, and dig that around one half of the tree, leave it two years, and do the other side, and watch it go. My aunt had one in her garden, not doing well, we did this to it, and bingo, it was off. Turns out it is a green gauge. Interesting tip It inspires the tree to make newer younger roots, and aids compaction if its been walked round for years, also gives you the chance to chuck in some blood fish and bone when you back fill.
  3. Is the tree your trying to get going a fig or a wallnut? If it's old and not fruiting, dig a trench a foot deep, 3 feet away from the trunk, and dig that around one half of the tree, leave it two years, and do the other side, and watch it go. My aunt had one in her garden, not doing well, we did this to it, and bingo, it was off.
  4. Was Florence fit, or was she a minger?
  5. Putting my name down to kill the son of Xanda, only £120,000, and you get a free fireside rug.
  6. A tenner says the Lynx won't eat the deer, and go for easier prey like pheasants and grouse.
  7. What?As he sped off in his Porsche As he casually placed his expensive bow case in the boot.
  8. He looks really bothered.
  9. If you go to big for your room, you will sit in a draught caused by the air sucked into your room to feed your burner, get the balance and you wont have cold feet.
  10. Oh no, Xanda the son of Cesil has be killed by a hunter. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-40671590
  11. Farage thinks the students voted twice, he says so on this vid, 2.32 How far will people stoop. http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/06/13/nigel-farage-uk-general-election-fears-brexit-lite-students-voting-twice
  12. The EU referendum and Scottish referendum results must be suspect too?.
  13. Anyone remember it? Gone to ruin now, shame really. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5mpc6t
  14. John Hurt was meant to become Dr Who, but he became ill.
  15. He'll come back as a zombie, RIP George, last of the gore experts.
  16. I live in a two up two down cottage, and this is what we have, and not had the central heating on for 6 years. http://www.fluesystems.com/shop/Bohemia_X40.html#SID=593
  17. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/370668-fyi-adding-pictures-to-the-forum/
  18. I was like that when I went to the dentist once.
  19. Not heard of that before, sometime you'll lose the odd one at 6 weeks, but not that many one go.
  20. I'm the same on Phuckupbucket, can't get to my pix, but now I'll just use the THL up-loader.
  21. Dogs are over it now, until next year.
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