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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. They did a bit of fracking in Lincolnshire, I was worken at 2.30am by the quake in Doncaster.
  2. Got offered a hive in the Spring, turned it down due to workload, wish I had now.
  3. It will come Rez, Ireland, Scotland already have to licence their guns, England next.
  4. Brexit will happen, but you cant just cut off trading with the EU, we need to carry on trading until the new trade gap is filled, so 2 years to split is not a lot of time.
    1. forest of dean redneck

      forest of dean redneck

      How can't they're home the dogs,are they going to brainwash them not to chase deer,more like they will pts

  5. Try letting all the air out of your cylinder, then refill it, if it still does it, then it might be a blown seal, sounds like it might have been blown up to far.
  6. Have you had a good result Vill? Been eyeing one these for a while, but after the barrel bollax, I thought I'd hang back.
  7. There's acid in car batteries, it's not hard to find if you want some, but better to sell it to the person using it, that way, if it goes tits up, you have proof of purchase as evidence.
  8. I have to say, that personally, airguns are not meant to look like an M16 or any assault rifle. It gives the wrong impression, and that's not having a go, I can't explain why it seems wrong, and more so in present climes. But in the end it's your choice that matters, if your just looking for some thing different, then knock your self out.
  9. stealthy1


    Beat me to it. Welcome back Rube.
  10. It never hurts to have your ferrets with a taste for both, because one minute you have rabbits, and the next, you might not.
  11. Get those breasts fried and dumped on to a couple of baps, and chuck some grated cheese on them, or cheese slices if you cant be bothered to grate it, lovely.
  12. The Rapid would look better if it didn't have a big black dildo for a cylinder.
  13. I like my men like I do my coffee. Strong and black. Are you either stealthy? One out of two aint bad massa.
  14. Was on a field that always had rabbits on it, Rodinated.
  15. And they've not had that spirit since 1969.
  16. I'd agree to disagree there me old China. I'll whack paper centrally all day long. No problems. But in the field, when that pump kicks in, I'm no where near as accurate. Maybe it's just me. But anyone who says there as cool in front of fur and feather as they are in front of paper, are talking billy bollox Love you stealth. We're ever you are I bumped into a landowner a couple of years ago, dead now, died in his 80's. He'd known me since I was about 10, we met when an old boy took me shooting on his land, and when the old boy became to lame to shoot, I was given permission t
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