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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Dezza you fat useless c**t, now what have you got to temp Whyte.
  2. The Capri is a British icon.
  3. Ford Capri, more rear wheel than most could handle.
  4. Egg n Sausage with tom sauce, on a fresh bap.
  5. Might be Grey Squirrels burying nuts for the Winter, look for foot prints in the loose soil.
  6. It's getting there, quicker, and I can move between pages now Ian.
  7. It's growing on me.
  8. I've gone snow blind it's so bright.
  9. Storm Shutters like on old cottages, if you get louvre doors to fit, your made.
  10. How many times have you put that up? Only when people ask. 157 times so far.
  11. How many times have you put that up?
  12. Hillary Clinton's Welsh.

    1. just-A-snap


      I would call her something else stealthy.


      All the very best mate

  13. Think I must have been lucky, my .22 100kt has not missed a beat in 9 years, maybe it's up to the customer to give these companies a wide berth, perhaps a dip in profits will pull them back in line.
  14. Take a couple, you don't have to take them all.
  15. I know stacks of shooters who run dogs, but in the UK it is against the law to run foxes, and not everybody wants to brake the law, shooting is legal, dogs are not. And who wants to lose their dog, vehicle, ect for a poxy fox that can be cleared with a legal method.
  16. I was out last week, 15 foxes I counted just laid in the fields that could be seen from the road, and like you say, the wrong sort could see these.
  17. I feel sorry for the lads that won't get a ticket for an airgun, perhaps for some thing they did in their juvenile past, and who are pillars of out society now, due to idiots.
  18. Easy to put pix up on THL, it's half the hassle it was to load them onto Photobucket.
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