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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Good old eating apples are doing great to, so the Winter tarts and crumbles are safe for the moment.
  2. Eating pears are doing fine, thought the wasps would have raped these due to the hot dry weather. Rubarb has done really well, thought this would struggle with the lack of rain.
  3. You all seem to be doing well despite the weather doing it's best to defeat us, my season started well, but due to work load I lost a lot of stuff, it just got burnt or dried out before I could get back from work to water round. But some things seem to have done well. Lost most of the stuff grown in pots bar one tom plant and a few withered herbs. Stuff that is doing well. Golden Delicious Apples doing ok. The last tom plant planted after the others burnt, don't know if it will amount to much, but we will see. Herbs in pots got a little bit burnt, but sh
  4. Thing is, in days gone by we played a game of war with gats, cats, and BSA Meteors, played all Summer in the 6 weeks holidays, but I can't say I would play more than a couple of games if my opponents had HW100's, and one dead kid is one to many, but we're up to half a dozen now, the cracks have been there a while, and the non licenced dam is going to crumble. I feel sorry for the lads that had a dodgy start in life who picked up minor convictions from their youth, but a ban or licence is on it's way, the subject cant be ignored now.
  5. Pissed down here in bang on the hour too, lightning was cool though, first time I've stopped sweating in 6 weeks, so can't grumble.
  6. Get your self out Villa, and get some footage shot, looks like a nice bit of kit. How far does the add on extend out from the scope?
  7. I loved the way the 3 shamens got Guy battered. ?
  8. Back in 2013 dude.
  9. I have a mate who was hit by a car on a zebra crossing, knocked him up the road, smashed his arm up really bad, after all the plaster was removed and he had physio it was still no better, lost a lot of his mobility in his arm due to nerve damage when the broken bones smashed through his muscles, the DWP told him to get a one armed job, or a job he could do with one arm, always worked hard all his life, 56 when he got knocked down.
  10. Dominic Raab? Will he be any good to the cause?
  11. It's all gone tits up, nobody on any side is happy with the result.
  12. Falcongit had one of the early Ultra's, push, pull, twist, lift to reload, and my HW100kt only just shaded it, would have bought one in 1.77 for ratting, good barrels, but, just a lot to fanny about with to load.
  13. Wait until Winter, to many territories held at the minute to concentrate birds in one place.
  14. Anything from Pink Triangle if you can find any, was rare audio in it's day, but there is some out there.
  15. Have a look at the new Technics audio gear. https://www.technics.com/uk/
  16. 77 for me, you can't beat sliding breach accuracy.
  17. If I had MOT'd my van last week, it would have passed, this week it failed it's emission test, waiting for the story, and the bill tomorrow. Lad testing said most vehicles failing are VW, andAudi, now there's a surprise.
  18. Seen quite a few lately, fledglings are every were here, you can see the Magpies hopping around in small groups, chicks and an adult.
  19. Looks like a one colour GSD.
  20. Make your own Mac, it's only a bit of 5mm Ally, use your grinder to get a rough shape, and polish it up.
  21. You pay your money, you make your choice.
  22. Rainbow Pride Man with detailed anal parts, pierced nipples, and a cock ring.
  23. Bet the anti's love this, bugle blowers.
  24. Get your dog used to the land in the daytime and then take him out at night.
  25. Did you liberate any thing from Woodga's shed this time?
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