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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. That's how I imagine the rabbits see folks faces while using the blue screen nite vision kits, now wonder the rabbits shit it and do one. lol
  2. http://www.armyofangels.org.uk/ is what's on the hat.
  3. It''s got some stride on it.
  4. Duty Solicitor might be the way, he will take you on a green sheet if your lucky, he'll push for a adjournment for paper work, you'll get a social worker to help sort things out with the school and any other things you might other wise struggle with. Don't think you can go to court with out being represented by a brief in this situation.
  5. Ran out of likes, a close shave, and not one I want to repeat.
  6. My experience with them is that they are good at selling, but not so hot on the customer support, so box clever.
  7. Did you buy it from Scottcountry? Sounds like the vendor could have been more helpful.
  8. Watched these two in a working mens club near Doncaster, very funny lads. RIP.
  9. Like you Phil, I like to get my eye on the scope, watched a rabbit watching me trying to put a cross hair on it when I had a go with one of these units, good job the rabbit was patient.
  10. Cheers mate, we feared the worst, wish I had a photo of the Mrs face when the vet said we could fetch the dog home, even the dog managed a slight grin.
  11. All the till jockies at Aldi have degrees. ?
  12. Cheers mate, I get on with this vet, unlike some others I've dealt with in the past, competent vets seem to be thin on the ground.
  13. Cheers mate, I couldn't believe how fast it knocked my bitch down, she's always been bullet proof apart from the odd ding.
  14. Cheers mate, yes, you don't know how attached to your dogs you are until one is in the firing line, more so when you walk one dog with out the other, the GSD was lost for those couple of days, first time in 5 and a half years with out her.
  15. Cheer Mackem, yes the dog means a lot to me, had her that long it's strange with out her, she may be 25kg, but her presence in the house is massive, the GSD just sat at the back door until she came back, my next doors Mrs burst out crying because the GSD looked so lost.
  16. Our vet is polish, he's a good lad, runs a tight ship, and if he likes you your bills reflect that, so I keep in with him. He knew right away she was poisoned, but couldn't nail the poison, I knew from what he said that it was in the garden, but I just couldn't find it straight away.
  17. When the shit hits the fan. Tuesday evening 8.30pm My lurcher bitch seems a shade off colour, heat maybe. I'll have to keep an eye on her I thought. I noticed she'd been sick, so off I went to have a look to see what she had brought up. f**k me dog, what you been eating this time, sticks, brittle bones, plastic, you know what they're like, lurchers will eat anything, or at least mine does. I noticed a bit of blood in what she had brought up, not a big deal with this dog, she's always eating strange crap, so chucking up a bit of stick or bone an scratching her throat on the
  18. 14 is a bad age to get hung up on things, keep a close eye on him or take him out of school and home school him.
  19. Was in a gun shop today just looking at stuff, as you do, there was a row of rifles, but one was hidden on the end of the rack behind some shooting jackets, when I enquired what it was, the lad said it was a daystate, I asked why it was at the end and slightly hidden, the lad just gave me a knowing smile and said, nobody wants to look at it, so it's relegated to the back of the rack just in case some one asks for a daystate, price was £600, was £750 eighteen months ago, says he wont take any more daystates in part ex. ?
  20. Apricots are swelling up, so the jam pan might get a work out. Plums seem to be a little behind, but there's still plenty of time to make good. Strawb troughs dried out a little, big strawbs didn't do so well, but the Alpine Strawbs did ok, not a big harvest, but I only bought them to see how they went, 99p for 50 seeds and soil, seed tray, and closhe, so had to give them a whirl. Gooseberries did well, but I left them to the Blackbirds since they were stuggling, so no pix as they ate the lot. So some success and some failures. Sorry about the split post, but I can't
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