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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Look like a pair of WW2 bazooka's. ?
  2. Fury v Wilder Dec 1st. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/45611289
  3. Man up, it's only a gun licence mun.
  4. Your Mrs will love it when Winter comes. ?
  5. How old is your house and chimeny? If your house is pre 92 you don't need a liner, my present house was built in 1925, so building regs state that I don't need one.
  6. NO. I found it easier to pull it up, make the end of the liner as round as you can, paper and tape I used last time, and pull it up on a chord or rope.
  7. You have to knock holes in your breast to get it down, or a pull cord to pull it up, or if your lucky.
  8. I've carried my HW100KT around for 11 years, I'm used to it, what's another pound. lol
  9. The cheap ones are shit, they will let you down, and if it's frosty, your f****d. Get good ones, saves messing about if the weather turns crap.
  10. A GSD from the past had the same thing, went rubbing his ears up hedges to stop the itch, made a right mess of the inside of his ears, he had an ear infection that I just could not get rid off, tried everything, even old wifes tales. In the end I tried an ear wash some one put up on here, cleared it in a week, I even made a point of telling my then vet.
  11. Here's a tip my vet gave me, if your dog gets stung, give it 2 Piriton tablets as soon as you can, I keeps some in the car just in case. My GSD eats bees like sweets, but got a wasp stuck under his front bottom lip where he couldn't move it, so it carried on stinging him until it drowned in his drool. Looked like a Char Pei when his face blew up.
  12. PCP's have limitations like most things, the main one being that they run out of air, and on a long walk, and weigh more, and unless you carry a divers bottle or carry a pump with you on your back, then a springer will batter a PCP in those situations, nothing between them on accuracy. Plinking can be a pain when you have to fill your gun every few mags, so I normally plink with a springer given the choice.
  13. Looks like a good year for fruit, mine have picked up a lot since the heat wave passed. The Golden Delicious have come good. The Victoria Plums are going well now, so they're going to made into jam. The cookers are fattening up, will get them picked and boxed up for Winter tarts and crumbles. Pears are nearly ready. My strawbs are getting a bit old now, so it's time to train some runners for planting next spring. Also been collecting seed for planting up next spring, nothing like free plants.
  14. Take your bottle off to store your gun. Air depends on whether you have a pump or divers bottle, to low and you wont get it pumped up with a pump.
  15. Like you say, shooting with a good mate makes blanking ok, as long as your mate doesn't take the piss. ?
  16. Not if you see her first. ?
  17. Some body has talked his self into a new gun, good luck with it Mac. ?
  18. Yes, read it mate, it's gutting when they go down.
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