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hugh jass

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About hugh jass

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    sexy sexy
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    sexy town
  1. hello been living in the isle of man for a few months now, a lad i met told me its not aggainst the law to court hares over here, so i was out with my dog the other day and met the most wonderfull hare youv ever seen, anyway things were going good tell i decided to bring her out one night we were getting pretty close then the police turned up and contacted the mspca, now im in alot of trouble, WHATS GOING ON IS HARE COURTING ILLEGAL IN THE ISLE OF MAN OR NOT !!!!
  2. your right when you say no friends all my mates are back at home in london
  3. cheers buddy, il be sure to try that,,, when the weather picks up its abit more shelted down london way, its a quiet lill island over here,, take abit of getting use to
  4. ive clicked that link above is that the offical isle of man hunting site i think il join up
  5. Thanks mate i think the person who told me about catching pollock in the river is taking the piss, il be sure to try them resevoirs and along the coast line!
  6. yer ive tryed everything you could think off, i dont think il be buying a river licence next year
  7. like ive said in the gun dog collum im from the city (london) and im trying to adapt to the country/sea life in the isle of man.. ive took up gun dogs but yet still no luck with it... anyway my new found mate told me i could catch pollock in the river not just the sea, hes cought a few hes been telling me showing me a few pics, yet ive bin fishing in the rivers with my sea rod trying to catch these rare fish but yet no luck, ive used alot of diffrent baits, spinner sand eel ect iv been using a size 4/0 hook but still nothing, had bites but thats about it, what am i doing wrong
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