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Everything posted by kayteetess

  1. just bought first l150 yd long net and having difficulty trying to get hold of the poles and pins can anybody tell me of anywhere decent please, ive been told of a place called mouchers at north hampton but cant get hold of the number many thanks
  2. hi,im glad to finally join the forum after being told from so many freinds how beneficial it can be! i live in south yorkshire with 3 ferrets and 5 dogs: 2 saluki greyhounds(merlin & eve bred) 1 barnsmore/ italian american bred whippet and 2 bull terriers(english) which take up alot of my time and money but i wouldnt have it any other way!My goal in life would to live self sufficient (mostly not forgeting hair straightners,tv dvd player and a few other things )in the countryside with my animals including the kids!! so if any one out there has a spare field going get in touch and ill see y
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