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Everything posted by kayteetess

  1. Alot say now that the Laguna died with Dorrit many years ago
  2. Was the dvd ok for you

  3. nice one Kate one of mine did one last week, I was past meself,little sod came home 2 hrs later, looking a bit sheepish horrible exprience wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy Hows them pups of yours coming on? atvb Richard Cheers Richard The pups are coming on well thanks,So different in personalitys but both nice in their own way! I'll get some pics of them up soon,6 monthes already!Hows yours getting on?
  4. Found the dog late last night in the local pub think he just wanted to get out abit more Thanks to all concerned
  5. I dont know the area Jenna,I'm sure Dale will know
  6. Now registered on Doglost but I need a contact number for the owner. Using mine for now. Owner needs to go back to the last place he was seen, they often return to that place once they stop running. Leave a tshirt or something smelling of home/ owner to get hiom to stay in that area if is not near home. Sent the details through,cheers
  7. Putting this up for a friend who has lost his Saluki greyhound Dog He's entire, black and tan around 2 years old and has a large rip on his right ear,He was out walking the dogs in stavley in chesterfield when a passer by's dog was misbehaving causing the dog to bolt,there is a slight possibility that the other dog ownre could have picked him up (it was around 2pm and he was walking a choc lab) Unfortunatly the dog was neither microchipped or had a id tag on,the local wardens/kennels have been contacted so far as with men out this afternoon and now looking for him, please keep a look out,Tha
  8. Hi Linzi, Pennys settling in well already! Shes a little shy of the lurchers,they must seem huge to her! and yes shes ended up in the house :S !!! I'll keep in touch, kate x

  9. Good to hear it John!Glad your pleased with her!Ive got those dvds for you with Wilkie on if you pm me your addy,Hope your all keeping well,Regards kate

  10. thats right but it s hard to get hold of it now think it was called collo cal or something similar Collo cal D, a good vet should prescribe it before whelping to a known bitch they said they have nt used it in a couple of years so don t stock it. it would have taken a few days to come in. the vet which i normally deal with would have been down my house in ten mins and jabbed her. i did comment to the vet when she came into the surgery about not wanting to get her arse out of bed but she said there was no need as the bitch had been removed at that time . i won t write what my reply was
  11. thats right but it s hard to get hold of it now think it was called collo cal or something similar Collo cal D, a good vet should prescribe it before whelping to a known bitch
  12. Can anyone tell me all they know about thses ferrets, working experiences,any faults with them? even pics would be good,thanks kind reagrds kate
  13. Anyone thinking of taking ferret kits please do so if its conveinient as we are wanting one along with a friend, thanks
  14. Spot on, and full circumstances on how the dog/s were taken, i.e forced entry, vehicle/s seen, jumped fence, gate to enter garden ect..... Patterns is the answer. theres a topic pinned for stolen dogs in the lost and found section of the forum
  15. Cracking pups they are, all the very best with them lads
  16. fair enough £100 inatial outlay thats going to last for years, if you buy a bale of cloth every month for a tenner a bale ...whats that work out at?, i have bull breeds and none of them bother ripping em up,try giving the dog summat to chew on like a bone,wondered why i keep seeing settes tipped without the cushions just kidding mate
  17. Vetbed ( profleece is currently the best type on the market) 5m roll for approx £100 and it will last you years as mine has it dosnt blow away any condensation soaks to the bottom leaving the top layer dry you can boil wash it every few days and it still lasts for years antichewable (profleece is) holds less bacteria than any other bedding drys in a half hour after trying all bedding this is my personal choice and always go back to this, hope that helps oh and theres a factory at glossop in manchester
  18. Seen the pup today,shaping up realy well hopefully he will be a good allrounder like the rest of the dogs from his breeding, i know something he will definatly excell at though... atb kate:thumbs:
  19. Good luck with the search,you can also put it in the pinned topic in the lost and found section of the forum aswell as here ,that way the dogs always there and it does work dogs have since been reunited from there,i always say never give up looking,a local lad had his stolen monthes ago and has just been reunited with her is she chipped or tattoed?
  20. Try Doglostcordinater on here,she keeps a eye out for working breeds and is very helpful,also theres a topic thats been pinned in the lost and found section of the forum,its worth putting up on there aswell as dogs have been reunited from that,good luck
  21. A genuine person would offer you at least a good drink for a pup,i know i would if someone offered one to me
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