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Everything posted by kayteetess

  1. thanks lads,ill keep everyone updated with pictures and progress, the bitch is a good working dog thats puts 100% into everything she does, i think some people on here are curious with there not being many about but im confident about the pups and that will do for me atb kate
  2. cracking little pups atb with em
  3. nice dog sure you have fun with him
  4. ive put up a post with ebt saluki greyhound theyre only 5 weeks but ill post regular updates
  5. yes i will do we will be keeping one back ourselves and giving a couple to freinds so ill post regular updates atb kate
  6. thankyou, sorry i had to be on guard first off as to not knowing who you were, glad we had the oppertunity to talk on the phone otherwise i would never had known we were sat with you at the waverly last week!!!! and glad things are cleared up,ill keep in touch and let you know how we get on with the pups and tell your wife ill have joe calling me mum by the end of the year lol she will know what i mean all the best regards kate
  7. do you really have to ask what their bred for, and if you do i for one would wonder why your asking? The first thing i thought when i seen the bitch was they used a pet EBT, but when some one says come down and see it work you know why they have bred from it . maybe it wouldn't come up to what some one else thinks is a worker but it must suit them, and maybe it would suit you but you will never know if you don't go and see . How many others will do the same when they have pups? thankyou, the bitch is a good genuine worker, not like the majority of ebts sadly these days, i feel privalidged
  8. Thanks mate, thats all I was asking !! Cheers. your husband is he related to neil from dinno. yes theyre brothers who are you? phantom isnt it?
  9. Thanks mate, thats all I was asking !! Cheers. your husband is he related to neil from dinno. yes theyre brothers who are you?
  10. ive put the post up for the people ive previosly talked to on here to show them the pics of the pups, the pups are obviously not bred for hare, as with the quarry here ill leave you guys to relise what there purpose will be for
  11. Please tell me where on earth have I made negative comments or used bad manners ???? I only asked what you hoped to achieve by this mating ! You are being very defensive when asked a genuine question ! I haven't "slagged" you, your husband, or your dogs !! Cheers. ive pm you my husbands number
  12. So you don't want genuine comment, discussion... etc. ?? Then why post on a forum ??? Cheers. [/quote discussion is that what its called, i think that some people need to learn some manners, i would never come on here and slag other members dogs/pups off if my thoughts were negative then id keep them to myself and ive already said to you to come down and see for yourself how thing are ill pm you my husbands number
  13. knew there would be one why have people done it in the past and whats wrong with that, tell you what come down and have a day with the husband see both the sire and dam work and what quarry he takes and youll probably have a idea
  14. we have motion sensors, theres two boxes that you place opposite each other that when switched on forms a beam (invisible) and when tripped the alarm alerts you- either out aloud for the whole street to hear or they can be switched to a third box placed in say at the side of your bed to alert just you personally when tripped ,theyre cat dog proof dont ask me how and you can get them from ebay for around £30, in do recommend them we put the alarm on when we go out as we are surrounded by neighbours (nextdoor has 4 families in 2 houses lol) so theres always someone about! other than that id sa
  15. nice one lass.put up the p arents ill get a pic of the sire up and a few more of the dam, the grandparents are in my gallery granmothers the feathered black n tan and the grandsire the red dog
  16. thanks guys im very pleased with them theyre feisty already! heres a pic of them first born
  17. just some pics of our 5 week old pups, healthy alert strong pups! the dams a bull terrier (terrier type) 18" and the sire saluki greyhound 26 half"(grandson to judy potters wilkie and faleys jack brother to g.dickinsons red goes back to merlin and eve lines) both decent working dogs thought a few would like to see them as being first cross[ attachment=84610:milly_4_resize.jpg][attach m ent=84612:milly_3_resize.jpg]
  18. Yes, but it's being forced on us Artic mate, that's what people don't like. If we start accepting everything that we disagree with, we could end up in a very bad place. Living in a big brother state like we do, is only the start of it. They want a national DNA database, ID cards, hell it wouldn't surprise me if they said they wanted to tattoo a barcode on everybody. The problem is that the British people are too reserved as a whole, we'll grumble about things we disagree with, then carry on regardless. The 'blitz spirit' of the British is as much a curse as a blessing, IMO. We should be more p
  19. i fully agree, having full knowledge of the dam sire and previous pups im sure that youll be missing out on a cracking dog there caspa i could more or less guarentee it! try to take a step back mate and fully enjoy the coming season with her and let her do what she deserves to do youll make shit loads on matches with her lol take care and best wishes kate
  20. theyll probably f**king sucseed just wondering out of intrest does anyone live in rotherham town on here,
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