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Everything posted by kayteetess

  1. So why did you send them to a Catholic School ?. i think he lives rurally and it was the best graded school in the catchment area, probably just wanted the best for his kids
  2. Do you lot never get tired of spouting the same old shit....here's an idea if you dont like it move to their country according to you lot theyre all over here anyway so there should be plenty of room :wankerzo4: sorry but i just had to do that
  3. coincidence!! my little girl started foundation class on tuesday shes 3 and came home with a f****ing muslim nursery rhyme book all about how you should be a good muslim and how allah created all things great!! and to top it off the dress up corner was full of saris only!
  4. it is a good price bearing in mind the cost of free range in the supermarkets! but thses are fresher and tastier!
  5. typical luke! bet he wasnt too pleased lol :realmad: tell him i said hello oh and like the pups hes kept back their little belters
  6. theyre great layers but i do prefer the warrens.. bigger eggs and alot of double yokers! kids love em the black rock lays a deeper brown egg and the silver sussex eggs are almost white What chickens are the best layers the ones that lay golden eggs sorry hows luke? havnt seen him for a while?
  7. theyre great layers but i do prefer the warrens.. bigger eggs and alot of double yokers! kids love em the black rock lays a deeper brown egg and the silver sussex eggs are almost white What chickens are the best layers these days i think that people go for rhodies, blackrocks,warrens, marrans, sussexs but my personal favorite are the warrens seconded to the blackrocks
  8. theyre great layers but i do prefer the warrens.. bigger eggs and alot of double yokers! kids love em the black rock lays a deeper brown egg and the silver sussex eggs are almost white
  9. Im selling for 2 reasons 1. we have a 6 monthe dog pup that needs to be seperated from our bitches when theyre in season (and the hens are in our only dog run) 2. the bull terriers are constantly wanting to rip their heads off, when the hens walk along the edge of the run the bulls seem to try and pull them through the bars we have already lost one this way but the main reason is the first, theyre all layers in good condition theres nothing wrong with them, I like to keep my animals with plenty of room and if i was to build another pen they wouldnt have this thanks regards kate
  10. put it in a curry fit just right in a pan that would
  11. looks like a little cochin bantie without the feathered feet lol
  12. Rhode not that it realy matters i think people will know what you mean i like the sussex atb with the sale
  13. what part of sheffield are you from? will meet in rotherham but would consider travelling(fuel cost depending on area) cheers
  14. Also comes with nearly full sack of layers pellets/water feeder and oystershell
  15. thinks i might try that but poured into a sweet pastry case mmmmm
  16. thinks i might try that but poured into a sweet pastry case mmmmm
  17. thinks i might try that but poured into a sweet pastry case mmmmm
  18. sounds good, i add a few into the christmas stuffing too, just cook and peel then chop them up a bit and throwin the mix. But prefer just eating them with a beer. definatly
  19. Thanks , thats alot cheaper than what im paying
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