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Everything posted by wugy

  1. Got a contract to hunt dark more looking for something to pull them ponies down don't want any salukie need a bit of bone got a couple of dear hound X but there getting draged about like an emty jacket [BANNED TEXT] woul you suggest lol
  2. Don't no mate how many Rosie's out there
  3. Af got a 13month pup her Sir John Lennon paddy + double breed Charlie bitc h Sir bulldozer + Rosie Looking to see if there anything else's the same way breed and how there getting on
  4. 49 views no comments does any one no wots the secret how he was breed who breed it how many in the litter done there job and has the bull dozer left anything with anything
  5. Who breed it how many was in the litter and [BANNED TEXT] has it left
  6. you must have new the dogs probs before you got it now you whant to give some one els your problem for £250 bang on mate
  7. that dog couldent catch me in a phone box and am 15stone all the best lol
  8. cracking looking dog mate but hes got a tocch of mainge youl will have to get that sorted befor he covers them bitches and whe all no whare that comes frome
  9. tiny tims just brought bulet back he said he got it to jump that was ok till it jumpet the gate and stole a ice crem cone af a wane at the van then bulet and a wee JRT got tore into the womans next doors pussy so iv lowerd the price now to £250 lol
  10. has thes doos been jaged for paramixo and what club doo you fly in can thes birds be transferd are you a member of a fed
  11. thare is grew in the make up of doberman [bANNED TEXT] % i dont no if someone can help
  12. the only time af herd of brother to sister thay got cot in a lift at motherwell train station
  13. just pout bullet in the back of the car to take down to tiny tims whent in for a pish when i come back out hes shite every whare and eat the back seat i will have to drive down the road with the window opend now tiny tims an houre drive he better take it
  14. cant beleve af only had 5 pms f*****g messers 1 c**t overd me a ketel and a toaster and a bj for it and another 1 wonted to swap it for a piecost
  15. dont u have a good thing to say about him yes mate he looks the part
  16. 16 months dog cant kennel crys all night and eats the wood not stock brocken kills sheep and barks at cows hates traviling always sick in car cant jump crawles throw holes beagles after long ears and rabbits dosent like cats runs away frome them cant keep in house shites every whare not good with other dogs pishes himself only good dogy men need to aply £500 no overs lanarkshire no photos he wont stand still but he defo looks the part 24 tts pms only
  17. go onto the pigeonbasics mate good crack am in the lanarkshire fed west of scotland
  18. its thay f e cking farmers that coss all the stink but if yiu where given them some cash the ers holes would be happy feck them antis
  19. just to c whos got the balls of steel to come on and say thay have and can prove it with some good eye witneses
  20. the hardes hares i have come across are the ones at kirknewtone ayr field westcalder
  21. Wrong site, or is it Its craic my speling is as good as my dog f u c ked up lol
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