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Everything posted by pockets

  1. Please see attached no rat will do this! Not dissin the ratting fellas but please dont call em WORKERS!
  2. Please tell me your fathers not called Brian??????
  3. Disagree a terrier Big or Small will get where it wants to go wsize is not an issue will power is! my terriers which are not weedy nuttel types will get into rooty tight spots and dig on with out having to break through and bail em out no trenching or sinking one in for me they want to get to grips and they do no messing! Im talking about the NEW nuttels which are vertully useless unless you hunt mouse!
  4. Very staffy my freind who knows what fun awaits you on this one we stick with Fells but bwho knows eh?
  5. What about if you have more than 1 bottled up and they are determined to go past your dog, a smaller dog IMO will just not have the strength to hold them no matter how big a heart they have, in some situations you need a dog with a bit of weight to get the job done right. you Know
  6. I cant even snare a f**king fox so hats off mate proper job never seen that ever well impressed!
  7. Joe i dont want to dissapoint you but ive got the job!
  8. Depends on where your working some work scratty rabbit warrens others old badger setts horses for courses one mans meat and all that what i would say is the bigger your terrier the better IMO
  9. Didnt Plummer strive for the ultimate ratting dog???????? Says it all really!!!!!
  10. Same here fella bones and raw equal white shit
  11. Just got a bitch from these lines and i know they work
  12. I think you may be right there David!
  13. it was still filling the pot ,so there was no need to get rid of it !!!!!!! As i said fella my opionion dont count for squat!
  14. Airmail only fellas the post is a fickle thing but couriers are guaranteed!
  15. I think frustration is the main cause most long dogs that i have had(salukis) have never opened up but maybe because i never enter to young,,i.e.before about 12 months never been a problem but i personally would never keep a dog that did! Just my opinion..
  16. The old clay roofing tiles half moon shape work the best for me plastic piping has been a disaster know foxylikes it for reasons unknown just stick with clay! Also leave them plenty of dirt to dig out to clean a tube spooks them.IMO This only what i have found! :thumbs-up:
  17. pockets


    On my trailer park if you couldnt youse a catty you was dead!
  18. BONE would be your man very nice boxes too!
  19. Nice couldnt make it myself but its always good with these fellas
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