No the fuckers at the midland have blanked him pricks whats going on here ive never known a year without him?
The hand of Blair poof loving batty boy is strong here!
Tony we will f**k u :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: u sick f****r :sick: :sick: :sick:
Can't let mine hunt on the buggers dissapear down the earths round here an you'll never be quite sure of finding them on leads to the earth locators very much on for me but id like to be able to let them find there nose
BBC said there was no shortage in London this morning it was all in the mind or somthing like that.
Funny how some parts are dryer than others or is it that people in the south east panic less?
Anyone got these crosses?If so how do they perform?
What prey are they good on?
I.E. What do you hount or what did you hunt before blair killed IT?
Some cubs are still very small but its still to hot to dig loads of midges and flies stinging nettles prickley things,bugs that bite you the sun burning your neck and back!
Roll on October i say!!!!!!!!!!!!1
How easy is it and what is the criteria for a shotgun certificate nowadays?
For example do you have to belong to a recognised gun club?
Do you have to have the guns in fort Knox in your house?
What calibres are allowed?
Are criminal records necessarily an instant no?
How many guns may be kept?