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Everything posted by pockets

  1. ginge good on you. why as this post turned into total shit? Because it is total shit!
  2. My tuppence worth i take mine to the earth on couples to me the only work a terrier can do is underground bushing is for ratting and rabbiting dogs not working dogs.....just my opion mind!
  3. summarized already complete food is crap we all know just lazy c**ts will feed it because its easy raw is best mix some apple or orange or melon dogs go mad for it and a bit cheaper than the supplements they all sell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Regular updates there fella, they look double handykeep us informed
  5. Bedding phwarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  6. I cannot beleive some of the comments im reading on a so called Hunting forum the man was a complete fake even if his books turned you on to hunting if you do not realise he is a bell end your in trouble mateys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. A pal of mine has Mastiff crosses x Rotties they seem pretty keen down in Sussex he seems pretty confidant with this cross! Ive seen the bodies!
  8. Caught a couple this year meself. Caught a couple this year meself. Caught a couple this year meself. Caught a couple this year meself. Firewall kicking in me thinks!
  9. I dont smoke and feed me dogs chicken wings (raw) and chopped up apple or melon and they look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Loads of mileage in slagging him off actually he was a tosser of the highest order and regularly;y nicked everyone Else's ideas quite brazenly he knew f**k all about terriers and inflicted his foil Plummer terrier on the world i think that alone leaves him open to abuse but if you disagree bring it on!
  11. Lets be honest he needs shooting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. This sounds interesting who cares about dogs we want more Scandle stories eh?
  13. PLAGIARIES probly sums it up with BP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. But if you are really sneaky you can trace the IP address quite easily i beleive!
  15. Teckle thats your man!!!!!!!!
  16. :ph34r: :ph34r: Yes he looks good for em!
  17. Load of bo**ox if there were any there surely one hunt would have put one up by now??????????
  18. You are correct millions of pounds have been spent advertising this s**t sprayed with fat to make it last longer tell you what put down a bowl of complete gruel and a bowl of fresh raw meat see which one the dog goes for first!
  19. Very inspiring this one!!!!
  20. I'm working up in High Wycombe which is the Chilterns and on my way home see quite a lot of Red Kites and Ive got to say what a magnificent bird of prey they are brilliant soarer's spiraling up and up in the thermals any one else seen as many?
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