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Everything posted by pockets

  1. Bugger, If your a cat your in trouble with ditchy but who can make him wrong eh? :11:
  2. pockets

    Private Eye

    Im sure that is already in force (if not, there was talk of it) not just working dogs, any dog, if you have 3 (may be less i cant remember) or more dogs under your control you are not allowed even one of them off the lead in a public place. MOLL. Molly is a woman and therefore she is to be listened to her views are bang on they will not look into it as it is law....fact! Much as i disagree woman have a very pragmatic view of life which is hard to fault!
  3. Touchy subject shows apparently any working terrier would commit hary-cary rather than be shown!!!!!!! Thats what im told and if it is a home grown non affiliated terrier ie no known line it will kill the whole family!!!!!!!!
  4. I only feed raw mainly chicken wings best mix of bone to meat but i have a lot of other cuts cheap ones anyway!
  5. OK Stella lets here your veiws on your Patts that you have trained and Dug to?
  6. carra Id say that was a pretty good discription there fella
  7. Apparently they must be my local Chinese was found with a freezer full of em :sick: :sick:
  8. Had a go on these and never really got on with them do you think they are a better bet than windows XP?
  9. Seems like a red hot thread to me?
  10. Sorry i found this thread late in life but for my twopeennys worth i feed em mostly Chicken wings raw of course this helps with the digestion who ever thought veg played a part in the dogs diet needs f**ing right off they are mad to the point of insainity!!! The old bollox about Wolfs is just that! Dogs may nibble a nettle or browse a berry but rest assured they eat meat end off!
  11. Not as much as my misssus whos mother lived 2 doors away i wanted to jack but she said "we cant leave mum".......... Why not i asked....Needless to say i was identified as an enemy of the state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is unfair if her mother went under we wouldn't have known...mabye they would not of found her! My lucks poxed!
  12. pockets

    New Defender

    They are a nice tool mate!
  13. Happened to me me House fell in to a disused salt mine!!!!!!!!! I kid you not.....Woke up with about 20 thousand fireman digging me out.. Made a good read on the insurance form though the underwriter meet me personally and gave me the cheek which i must say was over and above!!!!!
  14. We only dig em here (due to operational difficulty's) but have seen loads of cubs more than the last few years me thinks! And they are bigger.....Global warming perhaps???????????
  15. Fillet Bass Heat olive oil up put very thinley sliced garlic in fry up skin side first then flip over this takes about 5 minutes in total!!! Buy microwave rice(2 minutes) Cmon we cant improve on that!
  16. Took a hiding the other fella!
  17. NICE TIDY CHEAP & very desirable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. How can a terrier be discribed as hard if they only bays???? Explain please your statement am confused!
  19. Which the reply is bushing is ok when you are after rabbits but should you get locked into Charles its a differrent game Hombres my dog didnt know will get you f***ed quicker than that the LACS are nailing people everyday and adding to their tally of offenders who they link to Fox hunting! Even though they only go bushing rabbits will only add fuel to the fire thinks!
  20. Went out last year with a pure per crow hawking the best sport Ive every seen they are tricky f**kers an know mistake and can see why the birds have to be in fine fettle!
  21. Brian Plummer strikes again money money money!!!!!
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