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About pockets

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 31/01/1933

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    Terriers,sighthounds,fishing & shooting thats all i have time for.

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  1. These for everyday use- http://www.tpc2.co.uk/leather-motorcycle-trousers---limo-25-p.asp And my going out pair - http://www.countrycovers.co.uk/products/17/falkland-trousers-waterproof
  2. Make sure you have a decent web site and a very reliable courier. All the best hope you do well.
  3. Just goes to show how we are brow beaten in the UK to hide whats right the yanks would never stand for it!!!
  4. The bar is an essential piece of Kit without which you cannot locate precisely or give air in tight tube situations it also allows you to listen in on the 'rumble in the jungle' without getting too wet!
  5. What a load of utter rubbish. I know many Lurchers who have gone to good, active country homes. Some of the best dog men in the country have asked me to rehome their dogs for many different reasons. Please don't spout nonsense when you haven't the first idea of what you're talking about. The best home for a Lurcher is a good, knowledgable working home....however, the worst home in the world is ending up with someone who got the dog for free, wasn't willing to pay £ and sees the dog as a dispendable commodity. Comments like yours do not help the dogs in any way. Edit: And I wasn't sugges
  6. For sale Bellman & Flint box & 2 collars 1 new 1 used old style not rechargeable good condition best offer over £230 + PP Now sold thanks
  7. pockets

    out of town

    Superb Sunday afternoon viewing Jack was the master with such gadgets as the Lark Twirler!!!!
  8. Cracking boots, mine are always 1/2 size bigger.
  9. pockets


    I had an Antique sword removed yet you can see similar items for sale on other country's ebay site????
  10. i might be of a different opinion here, are we saying that the only dogs good to ground are stayers? have you ever worked a "flyer"? they find,harass and when it gets hot they move.find again often from a different approach.i have had a bitch and her bitch pup who both worked like this and no fox held it out long with them.they only made contact at the arse end(neither were ever marked and some foxes bolted with the brush stripped).both were tested in trials and did well. digging is not the only way to bag the fox.what of the earths we cannot dig? dogs like this will work seven times a we
  11. A monkeys arse money for nothing and your chicks for free whos it helping?????
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