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Everything posted by benson

  1. very good rifle never had a problem with it very light and very very accurate all the best with yours. what model is it mate
  2. spot on great to deal with should be more people like him all the best

  3. the dogs a credit to you keeps but be careful the will try and the piss out of your dogs all the best great pics
  4. every one has there own preferance and im not botherd has long has the dog does what i want it to do
  5. 3 year old plummer for stud blood line paper work Sire Supreme Champion Wyremead Cereberus Dam Champion Coalville Mouse. He is reg with Plummer Terrier Association upto date with injections great temperment and a great worker on rats and rabbits pm me for details thanks for looking. PIC TO FOLLOW SOON
  6. im after some fen traps as meny as possible could any one help me im in the sheffield area. new or used traps not fussed pm me with prices thanks.
  7. where in the country are you because i am very intersted in she would be perfect for me.
  8. a good bloke 100%.realy down to earth

  9. how much for the pair mate im at sheff
  10. is it 177 or 22 and what sort of price you looking for
  11. ok then pal doesnt matter then thanks all the same
  12. where abouts in south yorks are you near sheffield or bansley if you are how much for the lot
  13. are they 177 or 22 how much for the pair and how far are you from sheffield thanks
  14. where did you get the broad heads iv been after some for a long time pm me please
  15. i would take one of them on but havnt got space them both mores the pitty
  16. what area are you in i could do with a gun for some ferals is it 177/22
  17. benson


    the second film of the three is the best but they are all good in there own way. get it if its cheep its one for the your collection ok pal.
  18. benson


    iv got it and its not that bad it passes an hour
  19. i had only just found agood site and then it was gone but thank you for fetching itback
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