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About heidi

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. ip did ya get the pm i sent ya today
  2. deep down south in cork ; dont think we meet tough.
  3. a good thirty year since your 16 birthday just want to say that lurcher is the dogs bollox.i bred a 3/8 bull 5/8 grey out of my old brownie bred bitch.he was spitting image of that dog.same colour coat,eyes,build etc.you would say they were the same dog.he was the finest animal i have ever bred.he was killed by a car whilst i was away on holiday.it broke my heart. thanks mate ; if my one turns out to be half as good as your was ;would be well happy
  4. a good thirty year since your 16 birthday
  5. wheaten in her goes back to manning ;bred from lawlors bitch back to gorta;s dog.
  6. thanks mate think she;s a beauty too.
  7. thanks mate ;first charlie last night with lloyd r ,s deerx grey and she loved it ;well happy with her
  8. thanks mate ;14 months old;an was in my element last night out with ip and lloyd r
  9. bought a wham fox caller last year even tough we had a battery operrated one ;now we use the latter one to call long range but within a field or two switch to the wham which i think is brill
  10. LOL...IF I SAW THAT I WOULD HAVE PROBABLY HAVE COLLAPSED :lol: :lol: alright kid ; whats that about those in glass houses
  11. very good ;suppose its always goiong to be funny as f**k until it happens to you
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