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About StewartBell29

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 01/06/1979

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  • Interests
    Fishing - Fly for trout and all types of pike fishing.<br />Ferreting <br />Shooting

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  1. Alright Adymorris, you can download the level one questions from this site - http://www.dmq.org.uk/download.htm and i have been using this site to get the answers - http://www.bestpracticeguides.org.uk/Default.aspx Hope this helps
  2. I believe it’s a voluntary thing so I can’t imagine you would get paid for it and i think you need to be a serviceman, ex-serviceman or a civil servant.
  3. Aye cheers scottishlass, i think that book might be the best i'll get! Thats ma dads christmas present sorted anyway
  4. I am hoping someone on here can help me! I am trying to get hold of a copy of the TV series called The GameKeeper. It followed a keeper called Charlie Pirie on the Glen Tilt estate up near Blair Atholl during one season and it was shown on BBC1 back in 1995/96 ish. Me and my dad watched a couple of them and I was meant to record the entire series so we could watch the episodes we missed. Unfortunately I ended up recording Coronation Street by mistake He obviously hasn't let me forget about it and I have been trying to get a copy ever since, so i can finally give it to him and say "Get ove
  5. This is like a spot the ball competition!! Is there a prize?
  6. Where is Kettlewell? and i take it the place is crawling with bunnies?
  7. We've not really got a "proper" lamping/working dog! We've got a collie that is obsessed with rabbits, he chases them whenever we come across them. So was thinking about trying him at the lamping! Just didn't know how to get him to follow the beam! I suppose trial and error will eventually bring success!! Should think acollie would get his head around it pretty quick, but you might be surprised at how quick rabbits are ! ! ! Aye he probably won't be quick enough but i thought if i got a clapped rabbit then he might have a chance. Plus it might give him some mental e
  8. We've not really got a "proper" lamping/working dog! We've got a collie that is obsessed with rabbits, he chases them whenever we come across them. So was thinking about trying him at the lamping! Just didn't know how to get him to follow the beam! I suppose trial and error will eventually bring success!!
  9. Hello Folks, I'm completely new to lamping and i'm looking for a bit of advice. How do you make the dog follow the beam and therefore see the rabbit? I thought about shining it on his bowl of meat in the back garden until he realises there is something good at the end of this light! Once the dog follows the lamp, i take it you just want to follow the rabbit when it bolts? Any other tips or advice you can give would be good. Cheers for now Stewart
  10. Thats a cracking fish nobjerk!! bet it tasted good!! My grandad told me about using wasp grubs as bait but i have never tried it. But now i know how to get them i'll maybe give it ago! I'm shit scared of wasps though
  11. That sounds like my worst nightmare Mr Tea Pot!! I'd kill them all if i could
  12. Any news from the two lads ferreting? Anybody know who they are? We should get them registered on here to tell them well done!!
  13. Aye mate I was fishing the other day when i spotted a deep rabbit scraping, i could just make out something grey at the entrance and thought it was a bunnies head!! When i took a closer look it was a wasp nest that was hanging from the roof of the scraping, I'm not too keen on the stripey little sods so left them well alone!! I suppose burrows are nice and sheltered for them!
  14. what would you have done . Probably deployed a viscious line in sarcasm. Have a good look at this thread. Anyone of the opinion that hunters are barely literate violent thugs with an IQ that matches their shoe size would have all their prejudices confirmed. I 100% agree Droid. Hunting doesn't have very good PR as it is and is constantly being scrutinised (Fox Hunting Ban, Ban of Hunting using dogs, Tighter Control of Deer Management). We all understand that managing/conserving populations of different species is essential but to preserve this and keep it open to everyon
  15. Well done to those two lads!! They are exactly the type of people that we need in our hobby! If they had lost their heads and battered those ar5eholes, it would have played into their hands, "the bunny murdering thugs turned on us" would have been the title of that youtube video. Which would have done us no good at all. We all need to know why we do what we do and how to deal with idiots like that! Muchos respect to those lads. Are they on here?
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