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Everything posted by JordKil

  1. Iv been looking at getting a dummy launcher for some distance retrieving for my collie/springer as he doesnt get the work out of throwing dummies. I thought that they could be a lot more work for him (which he needs) I was wondering if anyone has used/uses them as a trainig aid?? Cheers Jordan
  2. Well said riohog. All your dogs are doing is protecting their territory its the same as someone just marching into you house. I'd try and kill them if I was in their shoes. ATB Jordan
  3. :clapper: :laugh: Iv just seen the basic "All dogs must be kept on lead" sign and that makes me call the dogs back. Maybe that's because I know what will happen if any of them bother livestock having seen it first hand as a kid.
  4. Depends on the landowner can range form being shot at or just been told dont do it again.
  5. I use 3 different collies at night and daytime rabbits/ferreting. My one who's actually a springer cross (just bigger built stronger and goes for a kill no fannying about trying to round his quarry) the other two are pure bred bitches. One is utterly useless and you have to use the other for it to work otherwise it wont do anything. But the 2nd bitch is outstanding would make a good bitch to out a hound over. She looks right down the beam at night and catches quite easily but does try and round them a bit more then my cross and doesnt have the same stamina as him either. They're great dogs ove
  6. I mind my mates dad telling me about how his brother got a call from a local that there was a staffy 'rounding' up his sheep. So the two of them jumped in the land rover and headed out to see two dead sheep and a staff hanging off another! My mates da got out of the car (with gun) to try and get hold of the dog or if needed shoot it but it charged him so he jumped back in the car and they run it over! Took 3 times to kill it then they took it to the Police station. said "right this killed 2 of my sheep what you gonna do about it!" They phoned the number on its tag and this spacey distraught wo
  7. Or it'll drive them on more lol my hob i kept back just bites harder the more you flick him! Good looking kits mate ATB Jordan
  8. JordKil


    A warm welcome as always for you WILF ATB Jordan
  9. You can only use it for targets the legal age in Britain is 18 to own one of any power and i have absolutely no idea about casing it lol. As long as your not shooting folk out the window and its out of the way and sight it should be fine mate. ATB Jordan
  10. I thought that a BEW was a sort of form of silver and a silver to silver mating gives you kitts that are likely to have waardenburgs syndrome? Considering waardenburgs is dominant in silver (something like that correct me if im incorrect) ATB Jordan
  11. Dont surprise me mate the bitch i know you have to use a bowling ball for playing fetch and she can crush a golf ball in one bite!
  12. Sound dogs them presas know a guy with a bitch never a stedier dog have i seen strong as hell and wouldnt be doing any breaking in with her about! He's looking good mate. Got a good build on him a real man stopper! ATB Jordan
  13. Aye he aint no lurcher but still does the job like. Useless for rounding sheep hes scared of them! plus hes a springer cross lol Is the bitch irish staff shes a nice size.
  14. Ah that is really clever that. I thought it could be similar to a larsen but that is smart. Cheers Jordan
  15. Feck me that is one hell of a bull bitch! She looks like a minature rottweiler!
  16. I have a timer that i set so i can get my tea stewed just right Tetley tea is the way to go with milk and two and a half sugars ATB Jordan All this reading about tea makes me want to test you theory Scuba... floating or sinking ...............
  17. That looks really good would someone mind explaining how it works? lol Do the sticks fall out when they perch or do the birds fly in and not be able to get out again? Cheers Jordan
  18. Thats actually pretty cool that Its nice to see a dog like a staff doing something useful rather than sitting outside Macdonalds with a group of neds TRYING to look hard. Well done mate ATB Jordan
  19. I remember a mate of mine had one. He'd throw the ball for it and could read the paper in the time it took to get back with it. She was a really good dog though but made a right racket if she hounded a cat out of the bushes lol. ATB Jordan
  20. Yeah that is quite a major downside. Now need a hedgehog to eat the maggots..............any suggestions Swampy. Ninging without rats How about spider shit to scare away the flies??
  21. JordKil


    You could always stick a bottle in the post up my way mate!
  22. JordKil

    egg ID

    And what other sites would you logging on to rod?
  23. JordKil


    I learnt it the hard way too. I trusted my mate to take in one of the stop nets on a job. Even after watching that the netting goes in the bag with the poles sitting on top he wrapped the netting around the poles That was last year and to this day I cant untangle the bloody thing! As well as him bashing my spade around all over the place making a mess of the shaft...nevermind what he does with the quarry we catch he has no respect i could of hit the twat even though he is my mate! ATB Jordan
  24. Hey dont give her any ideas!!!!
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