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Everything posted by JordKil

  1. I must agree I bought nylons off of JbsNets and they are immense quality very well made...wouldnt say the postage was all that fast though.... Atb Jordan
  2. Nice one mate good to see ferrets with a bad past getting to do what they love Atb Jordan
  3. I actually found 'net pegs' at my work for holding down nets over your plants to stop birds and so far they do the trick but I doubt they'll last long so I'll try some of these ideas Cheers Jordan
  4. Nice one pal Is your dog sleeping on top of the rabbits atb Jordan
  5. Went out today for a wee wonder to get the jills started on some warrens near to my house they aren't very big but house some large bunnies So I took my one strong poley hob and my two albino jills in the box with a couple of nets. First warren that I tried not a sausage after half an hour trying to catch the bloody hob who went wonders for a bit I headed up the road to see if there were any clear ones that I would be able to net. I just put the hob in to get them shifting then I saw a bloke walking his dog coming up the road so I panicked trying to get my hob out so it didnt eat the blo
  6. I would only be using it for rabbits though
  7. Well done Im going out for my first 'proper' time out on saturday and I cant wait lol Im in Aberdeenshire too, im going to ellon where abouts were you? Atb Jordan
  8. Yeah they are but im unsure of one of the jills i was told she was this years but i think differently unless it was really early this year Jordan
  9. When about would this seasons kits come into season? as I have my ferts in trios for company and so they all get enough food (when the two hobs were together they fought over food) I dont want heaps of kits (maybe 2 jills worth at the most!) also can they still mate when out of season? as my hobs have been mounting the jills they dont live with when they get out to play and the jills have a few scars Cheers Jordan
  10. Not so good pal Atb I'll have a look in blacks or craigdon on my break (in class lol) Cheers Jordan
  11. I thought that with tent pegs the cord line would just slip off as they are at a weird angle. Jordan
  12. I need to make 10 pegs for saturday and I cant find any hazel in my area and I have no spare ones How can I make some quick easy ones? (they dont have to last too long just for saturday) Thanks Jordan
  13. Well as above really It costs between 50 - 60 quid and it seems ok but i know nothing about lamps as i just use a really big torch lol Thanks Jordan
  14. My collie/spaniel came back with a small screaming cocker spaniel in his mouth once lol...god that really took alot of explaining to do. And he once went jumping after a partridge and just got a mouthful of tail feathers and then after jumping about 4 feet in the air after it one last time fell straight into the muddiest pond you did ever see :11: Jordan
  15. Ah falconry ones are better but im still using cat ones (2 for a pound in poundland ) Jordan
  16. How would I get my dog to get on with my ferrets when I tryed to introduce him to them while muzzled he sniffed them then just snapped at them. He'd be a great ferrreting dog as he has a great sense of smell and immense hearing so he'd easily hear a bunny come up for the bolt only problem being that my ferts could be his dinner How do I stop him doing this? (i dont want him getting hurt in anyway by the ferrets like letting them bite him to teach him a lesson as that would make him scared hes like that or it would wind him up even more) Thanks Jordan
  17. I use bells (as i find locators over priced) iv never had them blocked up but it does depend on which style of bell. As an advantage they're cheap as a disadvantage not as good as effective as a locator and can get caught on something thus hurting your ferret Jordan
  18. My main concern is that i go and buy a KC reg whippet and it turns out a bad worker. But come to think of it i imagine thats all down to the training..aint it? I found other ones a bit further for £250 but they aint KC but have "a good pedigree" they'd probably be the easier to get hold of money wise. Cheers Jordan
  19. Looking at the ones I saw in the paper it didnt say anything about working and they do cost 350 so if anyone on here has any pups for sale i'll be extremely interested? (as per usual for me prefered in Scotland) Thanks Jordan
  20. Its been snowing here recently and some has lay can I still go ferreting in it or would my ferts find it too cold? Also would it benefit in any way? Thanks Jordan
  21. He's very very keen but doesnt use his full potential (he goes after a ball a good bit faster than rabbit) no idea why you even say "Harry where's the rabbits!" and he goes nuts running back and forth to the door or if he's out he'll take off after them faster than a lurcher that he's mates with. He even jumps 4 - 5 foot high barb wire fences after them lol. Hes only killed a couple as he never seems to put in that last burst of speed after them. Uses his nose more though. He tracks everything which is great when just out for a walk or if my mates springers go wanders he'll track them down (so
  22. Thanks for all the feedback The only problem I see is a wee weak whippet pup being bashed aroundby my collie who is very boistorous and strong (hes done some damage to my girlfriends GSD/husky n hes a strong pup) Also when lamping at night wouldnt they get pretty cold in autumn/winter months? Thanks Jordan
  23. bull x collie x greyhound pups in for sale Man they would be great! but im in Scotland and I cant travel sorry.
  24. Iv been looking for a lurcher for a while now and iv had no joy, but I recently found whippet pups in the paper that are KC reg. I know that whippets are good rabbit dogs but are they as good as for example a beddie/whippet? Are they worth having? Thanks Jordan
  25. Is it just mine or does everbody's ferrets spring out at them when they open the hutch Is there a way that can help to calm them a bit? They are young so I wouldnt expect a hell of alot of improvement as they are this years and as mad as hell. Thanks Jordan
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