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Everything posted by JordKil

  1. If i can add, what if the warren is flooded? Cheers Jordan
  2. I take i can these wee glow sticks at my local fishing shop right? can i just use normal ones i seen a packet of smallish ones in my 99p shop lol
  3. Most of the rabbits in my area are easily scared back to ground especially by my dog as thats the only thing he can do (not catch them he's not skillful enough) so i would take my box of ferts and dog to scare the rabbits and then get them underground with ferts that would work?...right? Jordan
  4. Iv always wondered if its worth going ferreting at night time? (well when its dark) as I have more time then.If so is there anything different you need to do (apart from a torch lol) like types of nets whether you longnet or purse net etc. Cheers Jordan
  5. JordKil

    Gate net

    Cheers mate thats brill!! I did try to set it up like a stop net and did a shite job but I see this now and notice what I done wrong. Cheers Jordan
  6. Nice dogs mate. Whats tyson's breeding? Staff cross or just staff? Atb Jordan
  7. Im with stealthy on this. Ferrets would prefer the easier meal rather than chasing after a rat in a caravan when they can be fed something easy like mince or rabbit. Also surely its illegal to feed live animals to pets in Denmark?
  8. 20+ at one time eating a dead hedgehog and there is at least 10 per week run over by my neighbours and my da
  9. Aye so when setting them where abouts do I do it for stoats? Cheers Jordan
  10. I have alot of stoats and rats in my area and around my house that disturb not only myself but my few neighbours, I was wondering is there away to trap or snare stoats? or is it illegal (im unclear on legalisation of hunting stoats etc) also there is a small hole at the edge of my house (directly under a widow) that mice and rats (i think rats as its real big) are getting in. Can I set a wee snare to catch them going in? I have snap style mouse traps in my loft (where they nest) but they have got wise now and seem to avoid them but I know the feckers are still there as I hear them at night and
  11. If she just puts the rat in a small box with a rat trap and leave it a while it'll be dead fairly quick. Live rats can put up a good fight even against a ferret no problem giving as good as they get. Mice arent that bad iv found (my ferrets get them regularly under my shed and pull them out its great lol)
  12. No as I said it is unlike them to do this thats why I was surprised.
  13. Brill bit that. All good though
  14. Ah that makes sense actually...it was quite a boggy area so thats rather likely as when I did dig up a bit (with my hands it was that soft) it was really damp. Cheers Jordan
  15. They are soo awesome Iv always wanted one lol. Stunning dogs cant beat 'em...shame they're ilegal
  16. Aye must of been the foxes at the warren the scent would of spooked them. The big hob I had at the time has killed a couple of stoats (above ground) recently when he's came out I'll hear a comotion and then one dead stoat in his jaws and a few scars on his face at worst. Cheers Jordan
  17. Even when there is nothing the usually go right deep down in search and rise after a few minutes not seconds. The holes were far too small for anything bigger than a rabbit. There is foxers in the area though as there is a few dens on route which have at least 4 foxes about seen at the one time and chased off by my colliex and my neighbours JRT lol. Also I know for a fact that there is no other ferreters in the area and that the closest ones are in the town and where I was aint really much of a hotspot. They're not overfed either they didnt actually eat much the night before or that day. Possi
  18. I was out the other day on some land that is absolutely swarming with rabbits most of the time. There was plenty of fresh droppings and some nice wee warrens perfect for my jill that Iv been trying to get working. I netted up the warren and stuck down one jill and she disappeared for about 5 seconds then reapeared again I found that odd as it was a deep enough warren and she is usually the one I struggle getting back out of the warren. I then put down the rookie one and she shot down it like a pro and again was back up the same one with in seconds I then thought maybe its blocked? SoI put
  19. Two of my jills (this seasons) have come into season and been savaged by my hob its pretty odd Jordan
  20. netrigger, im betting the quality from jbs wasnt anything like this No where near it
  21. Aberdeenshire/Aberdeen Ferreting mainly Mooching about with the dog Im 16 pal Cheers Jordan
  22. Well immense to me BUt im sure there is better Jordan
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