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Everything posted by JordKil

  1. Christ thats a price n a half! It cost me a tenner for 10 of them off of ebay! Its 1.40 for one nylon as well! thats still fair amount Jordan
  2. I've been working on him at an empty warren offering him tit bits and paste for when he comes out to my hand (as he doesnt have interest in a dead rabbit only a live one that he can chase underground and kill). Working nicely. Im trying to find the farmer to get permission on an old bank that is teeming with rabbits but I cant seem to find him and its a good bit away from dogs other than mine. Cheers Jordan
  3. Ah but you see thats what iv been doing and they're too smart!! they seem to know when im coming and the hob (mentioned above) is deadly quick and always has an escape route! IT DRIVES ME MAD!! Jordan
  4. A border collie cross springer spaniel. He was a rescue he got at 6 months and is a great all rounder (very keen on rabbits and alike) he's no lurcher after a rabbit but he has his days when he can course like a hound. HIs pic is my avatar thingy.
  5. I was out a few days in a row recently with one rabbit killed underground by my big jill (a 4 foot dig ) and was out today and got a bolt which the dog coursed really well unfortunately he didnt catch it and Im afraid he may of just mamed it but i'll get him out to find it in the morning with a ferret as its underground. Anyway. The problem im having with a few of my ferrets is that one of the hobs is a bit too beefy and actually refuses to go down some of the holes or he just turns around and wanders on the surface any advice on how to stop that ir how to drop the pounds? While my other hob
  6. I thought that. it was sold as a ready to use 'quickset' if you like, stop net. I'll stick a few more on. Jordan
  7. would that tighten up the top line though? Thanks Jordan
  8. I recently bought a stop net from jbsnets and I got it all set up on a gorse bush set i worked the other day and the top line was far too baggy and basically made the whole thing fall to the ground (minus the poles) there is two poles to hold it up and its about 20 yards long. At the time i just wrapped the top line round the poles a dab more. Is that whats easiest/best to do or is there a better way to do it? (without taking it all apart!lol) Cheers Jordan
  9. very good point actually and i actually had both the batteries in the same way not like above. I'll still have to change the collar batteries to be safe but i found a new one for the box, but it works alot better now thanks folks i'll have to test it tommorrow and see how it goes. Cheers Jordan
  10. I swaped them round and it makes a noise when its closer now but the locate function still doesnt work. but im sure thats only really needed if u want an exact location. (rough does it fine for me lol) i'll change the batteries when i can find where to get them lol. Cheers Jordan
  11. Ah but when I switch it to locate it like its switched off and doesnt do anything nat all. It did at first but it may be the batteries in the collar as i didnt get a new one like i did the receiver. Also when I get closer the noise disappears rather than get louder. (probabaly due to the batteries too though) Jordan
  12. I got a mk3 (used) for xmas and i have absolutly no idea how it works. When I switch it on and put it on 'search' it makes alot of noise and lights up at '16+' and the dial thingy is in the middle. I googled it and nothing usefulcame up. Can someone please tell me how it works? Thanks and merry christmas Jordan
  13. Well done Great lookin dog And that ferret is a stunner! What is it some sort of poley morph its gorgeous! lol Atb Jordan
  14. Good work! Those rabbits are blimin huge!!! I wish i got ones that size round my end..... Cheers Jordan
  15. i would be well pleased with 15 Me too! jeez I'd be lucky if I got one! And I go ferreting for a wee while most days and out with the dog on the lamp (who is now coursing like a pro lol) and iv got snares set and aint caught anything in ages! But then again the most I'v counted at one time recently is three Atb Jordan
  16. At least you got some My hob tackled a stoat before...didnt turn out so good for the stoat though lol shame that he ended up as Rascals din dins good looking wee devil and fought to the end 14 aint bad, I hate it when folk just dump rabbits theres always a use for them its a waste of not only resource but life. Jordan
  17. looks good mate Did you ever find the ones that got knicked? Jordan
  18. Yeah exactly the same...weird Jordan
  19. She cam into season no more than a month ago Jordan
  20. Well I put an topic up about one of my jills coming into season early a while ago. I was wondering is it ok to work her even though she is in season? I am going out for the day tommorrow and she is one of the better workers so she would be great to take with me. Would it do her any harm if she goes with me? Cheers Jordan
  21. :11: She's kept with my other 5 in a shed with a window for light. There's a few young rabbits on some of my permission that the dog went after (and lost 'no shock' lol) Well my hob has been right at her and her neck is a mess im gonna have to seperate them soon for safety.
  22. I went out a few days ago to check on ma ferts for feeding etc. And I noticed that one of my albino jills is very very much in season and she is only this years kit. She's in with one of my hobs and he's been mating her as she has some pretty nasty scars on her neck and he was rolling around with her chasing etc. Its way too early for this aint it?? And whats the chance she got up the duff?? Cheers Jordan
  23. Aye here you are http://www.ratbait.co.uk/index.asp?functio...CFSAbEAodTgRRSA Jordan
  24. Was looking at some traps on the net and came across these live catch rabbit cage traps. Has anyone used these and how good are they? Cheers Jordan
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