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Everything posted by JordKil

  1. Aye sounds a plan. Iv been looking at these fox traps and they cost about £! It seems a waste to spend that kind of money on one fox. Does anybody know any cheaper ones or details on making one?? Cheers Jordan
  2. Recently iv had a dog fox appearing at my shed trying to get in at my ferrets. Iv been chasing him away and letting my dog mark around the garden to try and see him off. But he aint shy and will watch what im doing and then walk away. Im semi rural (walking distance from town) I dont have any kind of gun in my house so thats not really an option but if hes trapped the farmers would love to help as they've been after the bugger for years so they could possibly shoot him. I dont think snaring would help as lots of people walk past my house with dogs and even my mutt could get caught. What is the
  3. Im not sure if they're taken in i could ask and take the dog and lamp down. We tried putting a net round the smaller bushes but the other one is HUGE and theres no chance in getting a net round. Definantly no holes we walked through it all there was a rabbit nesting in a pile of dead braches which i kicked and it came flying out. I think we'll just move on to the neighbouring farms.. Cheers Jordan
  4. I recently got some new permission down at stables near the bottom of my road. There's plenty of fields and a couple of banks with some bunnies. But we decided to have a look at the gorse area yesterday. After being stalked by some anrgy ponies we got to it and at that second four rabbits and 2 hares went bolting out of the bushes and into a even deeper patch. Unfortuantely I didnt have the dog as the landowner said that the horses would most likely chase him (which wouldnt help as he's shit scared of horses lol) Anyway me and my mate went to investigate all the gorse and there wasnt a single
  5. I was out today on some lovely new permission but no luck as I didnt think id need all my nets as it was a spur of the moment thing so missed 3 of the buggers. Im out again tommorow so may share if its worth it and il bring a camera this time lol Atb Jordan
  6. Well as said its very unlikely that pissing on my shed will do much apart form make me look a fool. As there's more than one fox a i recently noticed. There was a vixen a few nights ago sitting in a field (for dog walking) that i had my dog and my gorlfriends huge gsd/husky playing about at night and the vixen just sat and watched at 10 yards away. Luckily the dogs were too busy too notice as she ran off the edge of the field on to the railway bank which is a 20 foot vertical drop! I'll speak to the farmers when I next go on the hunt for permission and warn him about them and suggest that the
  7. Well im semi rural (within walking distance of the nearest time) and after hearing from the farmer that he's been after them for years as they keep taking his lambs and chickens. But i'll mention to the other farmer as hes a nutter and will shoot anything given the chance lol. mattdski im intrigued do tell? Im not going to piss on my shed i only did that once behind myneighbours shed when i got locked put the house when i was 12 Cheers Jordan
  8. Just tonight my girlfriend decided to go check on the ferrets and within about a minute of her leaving the house my phone went and she started going on how theirs a fox at the ferrets! Went to investigate and there he was as clear as day sniffing and skulking about the shed (where the ferrets are) i ran at him scaring him off. He's lucky I didnt have the dogs out or he'd be harry's din dins. Then he had the cheek to sit and watch us at the shed from only 10metres away! How much of a threat is he to ferrets if he got in? as it aint half easy to squeeze in. Also is there any traps that I cou
  9. I left a comment on it lol but he replied to me saying that "it wasnt a ferret, asshole. I only wrote it ferret because animal is forbidden. 10 points if you guess it right haha" f*****g weirdo lol. I just said its a polecat then. Im sure he's cannae speak english lol Atb Jordan
  10. JordKil

    Which dog?

    Id say a GSD or a GSDx they're really tolerant with kids and are a nice size dog. Atb Jordan
  11. :11: :clapper: Oh so true!!! Atb Jordan
  12. I had an experience with some old bag when I was ferreting MY PRIVATE road and she comes up with a fat collie thing and seen what I was doing and at first spat and walked past in a huff. I just glared and carried on. Then on the way back she saw me talking to somebody about what I was doing and she went right up in my face and said "ferrting pfft! your f*****g disgusting! you should be ashamed of yourself chasing poor wee bunnies" The women next to me was in shock but I just laughed in her face and carried on with her standing in shock. And Im sure she tried to set her dog on my ferret! So h
  13. Nice bag mate God I wish I had a dog like her... lol Atb Jordan
  14. Brimmer thats a really good point actually. How humans show a natural instinct to hunt at ayoung age. I remember seeing a kid doing that today andI just thought he was mad lol Atb Jordan
  15. Bloody cheek! What gives them the right to teach kids that. Forcing it down their throats instead of letting them make their own choice. Jordan
  16. Nice one mate.Good looking dogs. Christ those rabbits are a fair size like!! Atb Jordan
  17. My colliex weighs about 28kgs n he can still move like nothing iv seen (in a dog of that build) as i said he outruns the lurcher he plays with. atb Jordan
  18. I wouldnt say they could herd them unless it was an enclosed space. But I run my collie/springer on rabbits and hes deadly quick on them. He even outruns the lurcher that lives near by (but that dog is shit stupid and soo unfit) the only problem iv had is that they cant pick the rabbits off the ground that easily (well mine cant) he nips them and bites at them until they cant run anymore then he goes in for the kill. Or he'll just pick off a bolter when ferreting. Atb Jordan
  19. Nice one pal. Good to see more people using collies for something different. I use my one but hes spaniel cross also a great marking dog when he decides to calm down! Atb Jordan
  20. Doberaman Pinscher! No stopping them!
  21. Nice looking pup Hows it bred? Also hows that big bull x of yours doing? lol Cheers Jordan
  22. As said that is low. Stealing from a charity and an old lady. Some people should rot!
  23. Or for catching rabbits on the lamp like my one?!?!
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