So true they are absolutley outstanding dogs. I wouldnt think twice about trying to get past one never mind 3!
I heard that the police stopped using them here because 'they couldnt take the cold and ended up a shivering wreck' is that true or just an excuse because they couldnt handle them. lol
I must say I find collies pretty unstoppable dogs too Ive got a cross who wont let anyone within 4 feet of me at the shop if they are acting strange and wearing a hood. Just the other week some chav in a hood n trakkies tried it goin on about 'he's only wee my staffy could batter him!' (even
I've got a spanielx collie and he can do nearly everything (I'd call that versatile) he's not too shabby on retrieving although could do with some work (he's only 2 so plenty time) hes great for ferreting and tracking down anything with a scent (even got him doing money!) He has longer legs than a spaniel and moves a lot faster and is very agile (will retrieve the dummy from over a 4- 5 foot fence). He also does course rabbits when told to to the point of catching (although I think Ive just been lucky.)
His collie side shows in the form of a guard dog for some reason lol and the other typical
One of my rats I had as a kid (pet) did that and the vet said it was to do with the ears and was called 'rye neck' or something like that its some sort of ear fluid thingy but its so long ago I cannae mind. Hope she gets better what ever it is mate.
They can still be used for work. I've got a fair sized hob that I use for cleaning up any stubborn rabbits left in a warren that my jill has worked.
Been out to see him after giving him a fresh bowl and he scoffed the lot so its looking good for now and his teeth are clean
Thanks for all your help folks
He's about 2 at the most and he's complete and not with other ferrets as he fights with them. It could just be winter weight i'll try and get a pic as im just goin out to see them. Stealthy thats my signature
Well my problem is that iv got a hob thats back end has all of a sudden got really skinny. He used to be a fat little b*****d (even though he hardly ate) but now it seems that he has lost it all and is just bones around the stomach area. He is fed on james wellbeloved dry and he refuses to eat meat (of any sort) he wont even ferret as he tries to befriend rabbits... He is having the odd nibble at the dry food now and again but not enough to keep him at a good weight. Iv started putting a small amount of olive oil on his food (like with underweight dogs) and even mixing it with some ferretone
I only really started last year with the actual hunting if you like as a kid i used to always go out fishing and chasing rabbits with my mates with catapults, sticks and nets (never caught anything though lol) My folks arent all that into it my dad is into fishing but thats about it. It was my uncle who used to ferret at my age and when he told me all the stories he had I thought I could give it a go so I bought my first two ferrets and from there off. Also when I got my dog there used to always be hundreds of rabbits in my garden so I would set my dog on them and he'd go chasing after them (e
I can tell you that it wasnt a wild Polecat as it had a really light face and was a 'light polecat' colour (not sandy though just light) It is nothing like the ones I see on the farm at my Grans theres heaps there.
Yeah big bucks will put up a fight, my wee jill got the worst of it at one point, lucky I dug her out in time she was trapped in a stop end with a very angry, very stuck buck rabbit. (soon taken care of by a hob lol)
good idea that...
Not bad actually did cross my mind but the only problem is that all of my jills came in early and are either with kits or had phantom pregnancy.
Noddy he didnt seem too aggressive towards me when he came out just didnt want my hob in his territory. He just looked at me and then went back in no hissing or spitting like other ferrets iv met/had that had a go at me. So there could still be hope...
Well I was at some of my permission which is a guy's garden that has a good few warrens and had a heap of rabbits. When I got there usually you can see them all jump underground but nothing then. I headed out towards a few of the usual spots that usually hold a nice number and put my best jill down and came out with nothing. After working around a few more with no luck i headed up to one that I decided would be good for the dog to have a few courses. It had a wee bit of cover and was dug under a 'rabbit proof fence' which clearly didnt work so the owners plants were all lovely and destroyed. I
Iv got one a bit like that except when he did come across a rabbit he sat and licked at it while it was still alive! My other hobs would have been straight on but this one is just useless. Iv tried and tired with him and now he sits in a cage in the shed as a 'pet' for any of the wee cousins and for my girlfriend to play with as he is dead friendly and would never bite. Shame he doesnt work as he is like an obediant little dog and follows you around every where but he has absolutely no interest in rabbits or even meat just his dry chow and his bed.
I guess that some just dont have it in them
Does anyone know of a good incubator for quail eggs? Im after something pretty cheapand just for a dozen or so not hundreds. Also what do people know about brooding them? Where is the best place? shed etc.
At the moment looking at the kits in question they are all binos and polecats. Nae silvers just some lightish poleys and darkish poleys as well as heaps of binos lol.