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Everything posted by a*beater

  1. wt a bargain mate shame i aint got enough money till couple weeks else i would have bid good luck with the sale [bANNED TEXT]
  2. hi received mounts only problem is that they are to wide for my gun
  3. that black and white wabbit looks awfully like a pet mate lol good shooting all
  4. hi lads you have all been a great help and very generous thanks all
  5. scop received [bANNED TEXT] thx now need to get mounts cheers dom
  6. i do alot of beating up round my area and i first found out about beating when i was ten from my scout leader now nearly 6 years on i am part of 3 shoots all beating and took part in 2 beaters days it is great fun the best way to start is by asking around try the local clay club you may meet people there good luck dom
  7. come on lads please help a poor fellow out
  8. how old are you young man, i've got a scope if you want it, nothing special, but if you wan't them pm me am 15 as pm i am in need of scope got next to no money though so any help would be apreciated
  9. hi all been out in the garden shooting some targets at around 30-35 yards using open field sites and with out trying to sound big headed i am actually getting better so come next half term them bunnies better watch out
  10. cheers mate were bouts you from freddy
  11. how far do you deliver to [bANNED TEXT] pm me back please WHERE ARE YOU MATE LET ME KNOW CHEERS MIKE am in northamptonshire [bANNED TEXT]
  12. i have taken it out of this thread and is no more for sale i am seriously thinking about burying the thing. so i am now only selling the empty one and pics of that will follow Its the empty one I was hinting at ok [bANNED TEXT] sorry will try and get them up soon as having bit of trouble aint got a lead for mi phone and digi cameras are to up market for me mate will try and sort that out for ya all
  13. hi mate i know it is totally irrelevant but still what ike is that looks like a nice bike indeed
  14. i have taken it out of this thread and is no more for sale i am seriously thinking about burying the thing. so i am now only selling the empty one and pics of that will follow
  15. pics only by e-mail my adress:benn510@btinternet.com send me an e-mail and i will send some pics. none of him at work im afraid,if u come and see him i will take you out ond show what he does. will pm you my email [bANNED TEXT]
  16. how far do you deliver to [bANNED TEXT] pm me back please
  17. restuffed i think however as i was not aware it is illegal i have taken it out of the sale and will not put it back on thanks lads for pointing that one out it was a genuine mistake so i only have the 1 for sale cheers sorry for that
  18. i know i probably sound dtupid but what does imo stand for cheers pm me answers plz plz
  19. got in from school today pi**ed of that i managed to get a 4 hour dt on a saturday so i walked in and slumped into the arm chair than mi mum walked in and sighed than through a envelope at me and walked of ok i thought wat have i done now to upset here i looked a the envelope it was adressed to me i opened and the first word that met me was permision this was the result of the permission i had asked for and guess wat........................ thats right you guessed it i got it i am alowed to shoot 3 days a week rabbits pidgeons and rats on a 2 acre field result so not a bad day after all will
  20. hi there all for sale i have 1 german ww2 shells found when i visited german last year and is unloaded and lpooks like one from maybe an aircraft gun will happily swap for hunting equipment equipment.
  21. hi [bANNED TEXT] if it is possible could you send a couple of pics and if possible couple of him working plz [bANNED TEXT] cheers dom
  22. my first ever dog is a border terrier cross jack russel fisty little thing he is but nevertheless a bundle of joy for the family have not had a chance to work him yet as permission up my way is hard to come by i am sure he will live up to it as he enjoys a good dig in the garden just like any othe rterrier does:) dom p.s plz could you take a look at my other post have not had any replies and need a bit more help training the dog cheers dom
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